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War History

World History/Shaping
  Currently, it is the year 1251 of the Age of Magic and 140 years have passed since the Cataclysmic ending of the Greenskin War which started in the Harvest Season of 1031 and lasted almost eighty years; ending in the Summer of 1111 at the Gates of the now long-lost City of Caliban thanks to the sacrifice of the Kingdom of Baal (pronounced Ba-all). In 1031, there were two Kingdoms that existed. 1) The Kingdom of Baal which was world renowned for their Culinary Delights, Otherworldly Arms and Armours, and a “Council of Lords” which governed their myriad of Cities, Towns, Villages and Trading Posts with the other Kingdoms. While other races were welcomed in the country, all the permanent Ruling positions were held by Humans. 2) The Duchy of Cedarwood; A secluded Province that was purely Halflings, who’s love of food, leisure, and the beauty of the world before them was second to none. And because of their connection to Nature and “The Mother Tree” they could easily avoid detection if they so desired it. They were, and still are very well known for their ability to grow food in the harshest of conditions. During the War however, the approaching Greenskin Horde caused great concern for the people of Salvinia. Calling for aid from the Kingdoms across the sea, the Kingdom of Baal readied itself for the coming invasion. Kingdoms from the Continent of Europea, The Eternal Isles, and the Nomad Clans that occasionally called Salvinia home had all sent armies and fleets to help secure the borders of Baal. What was most concerning for the people of Salvinia was the focus that the Greenskins had on The Kingdom of Baal, almost completely ignoring any Halfling villages outside of the Table unless refugees were present. This gave the Halflings the ability to scout and engage in guerilla tactics against the Greenskins who, both deemed them not a threat and failed to notice them until it was too late and started the slowing of the advance against Baal. As a precaution however, all the Halfling Villages and Towns were evacuated, everyone brought to The Table to find safety behind the Lost Forest where no Greenskin that entered, left alive or sane. During the waning years of the war, when the Halflings had withdrawn to tend to the wounded and the final ships leaving Salvinia what remained of the great armies had mustered at the outer most wall of Caliban. Committed to a final stand to either stem the tide or soak the ground with blood. The Council of Lords had made a call, pulling anyone who had any magical talents into the heart of the city to cast a spell that would break the Horde and save everyone. Or so they believed. The magical energy that was being conjured acted like a beacon to the Enemy, drawing all their forces into the Gate of Mourne where everyone was gathered. As the high noon sun crested in the sky, dark clouds rushed to engulf it as the Greenskins poured over the hills, across the rivers, and surged across the fields of grass hunting for blood and craving the mana gathered in the City. The battle lasted until the dawn of the next morning, when all of the Mages and Clerics were drained of their mana, and the last High Wizard faded into dust on the morning wind, a pulse of pure magical energy rushed from the City covering everything it touched with a gentle golden light. As everyone realized what was happening, another pulse came from the city, one a black and purple ring and more and more of them flew outwards from the city until a blinding white flash from the Arcane Heart of the City engulfed the entire Kingdom of Baal. When the dust settled over the now grey and lifeless landscape, all the soldiers had vanished – teleported to various places by the uncontrolled magic. To this day, no living being knows what truly became of the people that had been sequestered inside of Caliban’s walls. The only hint of the Kingdoms existence was hearsay from old war Veterans, and an ominous moss-covered Obsidian Wall in the North that glows a deep purple.

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