Research on Nephren-Ka
The investigators did a preliminary search at the New Orleans Public Library. The resources available only gave vague mentions of similar name or referenced other, more obscure, materials. Upon returning to Misktanoic University Floyd Musgrove was able to use his connections at The Orne Library to delve deeper into the name Nephren-Ka. Four texts seemed to be promising, though none were available in Arkham. It took some effort, but eventually the Chief Librarian, Henry Armitage, agreed to use his contacts to have the works referenced and the details compiled for review.
The specific publications are Treatise on three clay tablets uncovered near Meidum in 1843 with assistance from Karl Richard Lepsius, "The Aten is the "Energy of Light": New Evidence from the Script", Early Dynastic Egypt, and "A Group of Inscribed Egyptian Tools".
What follows are the Chief Librarian's synopsis of the works. Copies of the specific pages must be referred to individually.
Librarian's Summary
Librarian's Notes
See also A Letter to Nigel and/or A Letter to Boris.