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Achaeron is a demon lord of chaos and disorder who once made Sanroth his playground. When the First King appeared with the powers of the gods to unify the people on Sanroth into one kingdom, Achaeron was furious and sent one of his greatest generals, the Bloody King, to lead a demonic host to burn down this new kingdom.    The First King defeated the Bloody King and his army of demons, cutting off Achaeron and his influence from the material plane for a time. Eventually, however, Achaeron found followers in Sanroth, a group that would become known as the Nameless Order. They served Achaeron's will and sought to reestablish Sanroth as a place of chaos and anarchy by tearing the kingdom apart from the inside.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Chaos
Overlord of the Forge of Souls
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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