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Cuff of Captions

(requires attunement)   While wearing this platinum ear cuff, any audible sound or spoken language that you're within earshot of is magically transcribed, appearing as unobtrusive, illusory text that only you can see in the corner of your vision.    While wearing the cuff, you gain a +2 bonus to Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing, even if you're deafened, as you can sometimes read the transcriptions of sounds that are otherwise inaudible. The transcriptions are written in Common, and vary in size and form depending on the nature of the sound. The text conveys the literal meaning of any spoken language that it transcribes, but can suggest similar Common idioms in place of the ones it translates from other languages.   You can choose to ignore certain sounds and transcriptions, causing the text to vanish, in order to better focus on the ones you're interested in.


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