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Mystic Memo

A blank and unremarkable page of parchment, the Mystic Memo can be used to magically influence a creature that reads it to believe whatever the parchment says, as long as it sounds reasonable to the reader and as long as they are capable of understanding any language that they share in common with the parchment's user. The target must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (to beat a DC of 8 + the user's profiency + CHA modifier).   On a failed save, the target believes whatever is written on the parchment. On a successful save, the target simply doesn't believe it but doesn't realise it was an attempt at trickery except on a critical success. At the DM's discretion, the target may roll its Saving Throw with Advantage if the parchment's claim is outlandish enough. Takes an action to clear it.
Item type


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