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Swan Song's Bracer

A silver bracer, with a single black stone set in it. If you reduce a creature to 0 hit points while wearing this bracer, you can use your reaction to trap their soul inside of the bracer. If the creature is unwilling it must succeed on a DC15 Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save its soul departs as normal.   If the bracer already contains a soul or the target is wearing any items or enchantments meant to trap or redirect the soul after death, such as a Ring of Mind Shielding, the bracer fails.   While you are wearing the bracer and it has a soul inside it, you use an action to take on the appearance of the person the soul belongs to as if with the Alter Self spell, for a maximum duration of 8 hours or until you take off the bracer. This property of the bracer can’t be used again until the next dawn.   A creature trapped in the bracer is aware of the passage of time and retains its full personality and memory. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet and can communicate telepathically with anyone wearing the bracer.   Once per day, you can attempt to force the soul to answer a question. When you do this you must succeed on a Wisdom check contested by the soul’s Charisma check. If you win the soul must answer you truthfully and to the best of its ability. If the soul wins you are Charmed by the soul for 1d12 hours. While Charmed, you must try to follow the soul’s commands. If you take damage, you can repeat the contested checks, ending the effect on a success. While you are charmed by the soul it can choose to depart the bracer.   A creature can not be revived while their soul is trapped inside the bracer. You can release the soul as a bonus action. If the bracer is destroyed the soul is released automatically.
Item type
Unique Artifact


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