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Whip of Proximity

The Whip of Proximity has a range of 15ft due to its magical nature and deals 1d6 slashing damage. The whip has 4 charges and regains all spent charges daily at dawn. As long as you can cast spells, you are considered proficient with this weapon even if you lack proficiency with martial weapons.   When you hit with an attack using this whip, you can expend a charge and choose to forego the damage and instead cast a touch spell on the target as if you had touched it. Alternatively, any spell with a range of "self" can be cast using the target creature as the spell's casting point instead. Otherwise, the spell functions as if you had cast it normally, including costing a spell slot. If the spell requires a spell attack roll, consider it a success if the whip attack landed.   Instead of expending a charge, you may cast a cantrip you know instead of a spell.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged


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