
"Reading the historical records we can find from the Great Separation is infuriating. They are all referencing an event that none of them directly record. I find it hard to believe that whatever happened to them--to us--was never written down by a single soul! Whatever it was has to be out there somewhere."
— The rants of a frustrated archivist

"The Darkness", also known by many other names, was the period of time before the Convention. During the Dark, functional society struggled. Communities stubbornly kept to themselves and harbored strong xenophobia for anyone from the outside. Permanent trade routes didn't exist. Technological and social progress stagnated, and individuals suffered from starvation, poverty, and violence.

Nobody knows what triggered the Darkness. Its end came slowly, as people gradually reconnected. By the time the Convention occurred and declared the "official" end to the Darkness, many long-term trade agreements and immigration policies had already been rebuilt.

Over a thousand years later, the Darkness is a faded memory. Many are not aware that it occurred. Generally this is seen as a sign of progress, but a nagging fear lingers...

Alternative Names
The Dark, The Great Separation, Era of Shadows, The Unspeakable Times, The Forgotten Times, Era of Silence, Era of Death
Start Date
End Date
0 AD

Cover image: Neutralized Cover by Aster Blackwell


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