
A Glowblast is a spherical discharge of Celestial Aura into the surrounding environment, centered at a single point. It is created by a Luminous creature from one of their focus points.


Glowblasts instantly discharge a significant amount of Aura into the immediate vicinity. Their effect depends on their intensity and Luminosity. The more intense the blast, the wider its radius and the denser the Aura is within that radius.

Glowblasts are a good way to instantly heat or cool the surrounding air by several degrees. Solar blasts can defrost ice or quickly warm a room. Lunar blasts can stave off heat exhaustion or freeze water vapor.

Their secondary use is to deactivate Luminous creatures or items of the opposite Luminosity. Due to the Law of Celestial Negation, powerful Glowblasts can disperse opposing Aura within their radius. Well-timed blasts can disperse or significantly weaken Glowbolts before they land. They can also deactivate opposing Auratech or shatter dragon wings.

In the reverse, Glowblasts can activate Luminous items of the same Luminosity, though they lack precision. A Glowpulse is often the better choice.

Small, high intensity Glowblasts can also be used to dazzle unprepared observers. The bright, flashing light may briefly stun or distract a predator or attacker. Glowblasts are also accompanied by quite a loud sound, which can similarly startle or disorient those nearby.

Side/Secondary Effects

Directly observing a bright Glowblast can cause dizziness and disorientation. Since Glowblasts are brightest at their centers, the creature casting the blast has to be the most careful about this effect.


Glowblasts have a bright flash of light at their center that travels quickly outward to the limits of their radius, accompanied with bright sparkles in the air. The whole affect takes less than a second to complete, and can be dazzling when observed directly.

Their color and brightness is determined by their density and Luminosity. Thinly dispersed blasts are dim, while powerful blasts rich with Glow blaze brightly.


A celestial core and nexus with a large focus point are required to cast a Glowblast. Since Glowblasts disperse a large amount of Glow, they require a large amount of Glow to cast, and often require charging before use.

A powerful focus point is necessary to cast a Glowblast. If the Glow isn't centered to a singular point before it is released, then the resulting blast will lack range and density. Organisms that produce the best Glowblasts often have focus points augmented with additional edylium-rich organelles.

Related Element
Effect Casting Time
Several seconds to charge, instantaneous to cast
Maximum radius of 8 to 10 feet. Average radius is closer to 4 feet. Always spherical and evenly dispersed
Related Creatures

Cover image: SanZera world cover by Aster Blackwell


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Dec 29, 2023 00:05 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the idea of being able to instantly warm a room. That's what I'd be using it for all the time. :D

Dec 29, 2023 02:32 by Aster Blackwell

ah yes, imagine being able to instantly dismiss that chill in your fingers during a cold day :D