High Exemplar

You'll see a lot of (placeholders) in here. I intend to expan on this in better detail at a later date. For now, this summercamp preview will do!

The High Exemplar is the highest rank in both (Azhavin and Khetzali churches). They are considered to be the chosen avatars of the suns. Before the Cipher Schism, there were only two High Exemplars: one for Sao and one for Aza. After the Schism, Khetzala and Azhavin each have their own pair, bringing the total to four.


Believers of (religion) are taught that anyone could be chosen to become High Exemplar. Technically, the decision is up the suns.

However, time and tradition have muddied this truth. Modern High Exemplars ascend from noble families already high on the social ladder. The title has become less about the suns' perceived will and more about the popularity of a particular candidate.

By the time of the Cipher Schism, two dynasties held power in Azhavin. One claimed divine right to sire the Exemplars of Aza, while the other claimed the right from Sao. The families ruled in tandem until the Schism. Much of the dynasty of Sao fled with the Khetzali across the desert, while the dynasty of Aza remained behind. Since then, both families have mixed with other nobles, expanding the possible Exemplar candidates past their family name.


The High Exemplars are to lead the church in tandem with each other. They commune with the suns on the behalf of the people and bring the wisdom they recieve to (lesser rank) to distribute to the masses.

Rarely, the Exemplars may call an assemby to declare a particularly important message. This has not happened in many decades.


High Exemplars live a life of luxury. They are waited on in every need by servants and lower ranking religious dignitaries. Tithing collected from the believers is used to fund the support of the High Exemplars.

The High Exemplars are the most revered people in the country. They spend most of their time in the Sanctuary, but when they do visit the public, people are expected fall to their knees as they walk by.

"Enough! On your feet! I don't care what my predecessors claim the suns have said to them. Aza has never told me I should be treated as anything more than the girl I am."
Sariah the Claimed

They are always surrounded by body guards. To speak to a High Exemplar without permission is a grave offense. However, the Exemplar themselves can freely choose who they speak to. Some Exemplars have been known to be very friendly with the public, while others were rarely seen for the entirety of their term.

Religious, Special
Form of Address
Your Highness
Alternative Naming
High Avatar
Source of Authority
The suns themselves
Length of Term
Until death
Past Holders
Related Locations
Related Organizations

Cover image: Solar Cover by Aster Blackwell


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Aug 21, 2024 02:51 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing and informative article with a nice, smooth design.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3

Aug 22, 2024 20:57 by Aster Blackwell

Thank you so much!