Watcher's Eye

"I spy with my Watcher's Eye.."
— Children's rhyme

A Watcher's Eye is an ornament usually placed into jewelry. It is a glass ball with a drop of iakine suspended inside.


Many religions consider the monoliths to be powerful entities. Some--particularly in Auzera--view the monoliths as sentient beings capable of higher thought. Iakine is the liquid Luminous element found in monoliths. Those that believe the monoliths are sentient likewise believe iakine to be the blood or lifeforce of said monoliths.

The idea behind a Watcher's Eye is that a monolith will be aware of its iakine even when it is separated from its body. By placing a drop in a glass orb and carrying it with you, the monolith can "see" through the Eye. Allowing a monolith access to your life enables it to warn you of danger through spiritual means.

Watcher's Eyes are typically inset into pendants and worn around the neck. They are sometimes ornamented with edylium, which is thought to enhance their perception. While they are referred to as "eyes", it is believed that a monolith's "sight" is more like a radius of awareness. Covering the Eye will not reduce its power.

Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Related ethnicities
Raw materials & Components
Edylium (optional)
Watcher's Eyes made of iakine belonging to the Spires of Morning, Midday, or Evening are valued in Azhavin and Khetzala. Houses in both countries may have doorplates ornamented with Eyes from all three Spires, believing that they will protect the home from intruders. The Khetzali view ornaments with Spires' Eyes as their only direct connection to the original Spires. These pieces are treated with great reverence.

Cover image: SanZera world cover by Aster Blackwell


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Aug 5, 2024 06:23 by Grey

I love the imagery of the droplet invoking the idea of an eye, this feels like a super believable and naturally formed tradition!

Aug 5, 2024 16:13 by Aster Blackwell

Thank you so much!! <3

Aug 7, 2024 13:35 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is such a great idea. I can see why they would be seen as items of protection. I wonder how true it is.

Aug 8, 2024 03:40 by Aster Blackwell

Thank you! <3