Brall Beast

"Raised this one from a cub me'self. She's a right good fighter, gave me more than a few cuts since I found her. She's a good Brall Beast though. Smart, strong, and loyal to a fault to the right person. Gods help you if you aren't the right person though"   -Wyllow Sendershade, druid of The Thundering Isle
    Brall Beast are a species of large feline native to the Savannahs and Deserts of Saoirse. The Brall Beasts stalk the land, sitting atop the food chain while hunting prey with dagger like claws. Three thin, razor ribbon-like tails act as rudders for sharp turns at high speeds, while their naturally growing metallic plating fends off all but the strongest of blows.  




  The Brall Beasts are large feline creatures with metal scale like plates covering their bodies and three thin, razor ribbon-like tails. The metal plates grow naturally and often rust as the beast ages. They have large, heavy paws that are tipped in dagger-like claws that are capable of rending most armor. Their fangs are much like other felines, with the exception of their canines which share the same metal structure as their scales, giving them incredible destructive capabilities.   Adult Brall Beasts' weight averages between 200 and 300 pounds due to the high density of the metallic composition of parts of their body, they can measure up from 40 to 60 inches in length from the head to hind quarters. The tails can add a further 24 to 36 inches to their length, bringing the upper recorded snout to tail tip length of 8 feet. On average, the Brall Beast stand 28 to 36 inches tall at the shoulder.   Though much more rare, some Brall Beasts have been found to grow different metal plates dependant on their environment and the diet they have. These unique cases are often found to vary wildly from the average size and weights common among most Brall Beasts.  
Brall Beast Egg
  The Brall Beasts are born from eggs, which are typically six inches long and weigh between fifteen and twenty pounds each. At a glance, they can be mistaken for a stone as they have a rough red, clay like exterior. A Female Brall Beast will lay up to three eggs per litter and will often do so two to three times during their lifetime. These eggs are laid and then pushed into the stone along the walls of the nest, the strength of the mother Brall Beast and the dense hard shell imbed the egg into the wall holding it in place.



  Contrary to what the average citizen would believe due to their density and weight, a Brall Beast is incredibly fast, capable of sprinting over twice the speed of the fastest horses in the Imperial Cavalry. Even while sprinting at high speeds near ninety miles per hour, these felines prove their agility and denial of common sense with their capability to pivot into a sharp turn while maintaining speed and stability.   While young, Brall Beasts have been found to be surprisingly stealthy, softly moving into position or avoiding other predators while without their pack. As they age and their plates begin to oxidize, they make more noise and move slower on average. Even as the plates oxidize, they give no less protection, affording them a strong and effective natural armor throughout their lives. Alongside a natural resistance to poisons and magical effects, the Brall Beast confidently sits near the very top of the food chain in whichever area it claims.  


  Brall Beast are excellent and skilled hunters. They are the top of the food chain in the areas they populate. only being hunted by people or the occasional dragon. Brall Beast are very resilient, and will often hunt during sandstorms when their prey is hiding and immobile under the sand. They can be seen chewing stones to both sharpen their teeth and to intake enough minerals for its body to continue to produce the metal scales on its body. When domesticated, a Brall Beast can be a loyal and powerful companion. One has to ensure that the Brall beast has a steady supply of stones and rocks, with the correct minerals, so that the Beast can grow and thrive.   Brall Beast hunt in small packs of three to four. They stalk their prey, and will sometimes tackle larger prey using their armor to engage in a more direct fight with the prey.  




  Brall Beast live in the dry, arid biomes of Saoirse, such as the
Sa'dealihell Desert or the Balst savannahs. They tend to nest and raise their young in old ruins or deep holes in the ground where they can keep cool and keep their eggs safe. They dig small nest in the side of rock walls to tuck their young and eggs away.      


  Brall Beast are the top of the food chain in the areas they inhabit. They primarily hunt large prey animals, such as gazelles or dunefoxes. If food is scarce, they will hunt smaller game as well. They have a symbiotic relationship with Baxbrill Birds, who protect Brall Beast eggs from smaller creatures that might eat the egg, in exchange for protection from predators by the Brall Beast.  




  Brall Beast were first discovered by the halfling scholar and biologist Jabari Riverknife in the plains of Balst during his efforts to catagorize and study all the creatures of the savvanahs.  


  Brall Beast have been tamed and befriended by many adventurers and scholars. They make loyal and useful companions, being able to hold their own in most combat situations. They are also valued by many mages, who use the oil collected from between the beast scales in some spells.  


  Hunting Brall Beast is a difficult and deadly task. Few ever take up the task and even less succeed. Brall Beast scales have been used in armor-making in desert and arid cultures for centuries. As even a single Brall Beast is a challenging opponent, this armor is very rare and is a sign of a great hunter.   The oil from between the Brall Beast scales is an excellent lubricant and protectant for blades and metal. This oil can be extracted in bulk from a dead Brall Beast, but can still be harvested from a live Beast without harming it, albeit in smaller quantities.  


  Brall Beast are respected as a symbol of strength and power in Balstian culture. Some local superstitions in Sa'dealihell believe the Brall Beast appear to individuals who are going to perish soon.   There are rumors of a Brall Beast in the Star Dunes that has grown to twice the size as a normal beast. It's rumored this Brall Beast, nicknamed Stella Dente, has gold scales instead of the normal iron-colored ones. Stella Dente is said to guide lost travlers through the Star Dunes, leading them to large deposits of Star Dust before killing them.   The Brall Beast is featured on the hereldry of the Goldbeard Desert Dwarf caravan.
by fishiie
~60 years
Average Weight
300 pounds
Average Length
~5 feet