
"Upon my father, mother, and ancestors before me. Upon my blood, my heart, and my honor. Upon the shores of our waters, may they forever run. I swear upon all I hold dear, and all I've yet to hold, that I will serve Rivers and its Kings for as long as I shall breathe. I will not marry, nor take land nor title. My life belongs to the Rivers, and the crowns that rule them. This day, I swear this oath. This day, I am a River Knight.   -Oath of the River Knights of Balst
  Knight is a title used throughout Saoirse and within multiple cultures and realms. Knights are militaristic orders, and often serve monarchies or local realm rulers in various capicities. The title holds sigificant weight in some areas, and next to nothing in others. Some knighthood and knightly orders are tied to religious beliefs, but others are more intwined with the nobles and royalty of realms.   


  Knighthood most likely has its roots in Dragonfolk and Birdfolk culture, both have rich histories of knights.    Knighthood quickly found its way to Imperial courts.     

Social Status 

  Knights hold very high social status in the western parts of Saoirse.       


  Knights in Imperial territory commonly wear plate armor, although sometimes they keep the segmented armor of thier previous military service, if they served in the Legions. Imperial knights are gifted helmets with deer antlers as a symbol of thier knighthood, and as a homage to Londhor.   
  River knights commonly wear heavy raiments of chainmail and thick gambesons, and use spears with the same honor and reverance as swords.     

Becoming a Knight


Pages & Squires


Conditions of Knighthood




Types of Knights

  Stag Knight - A knight of the Empire of Avarend. They are gifted a helmet with deer antlers when they receive their knighthood. These knights usually come from higher class families within the Empire. Often the Legates of the Imperial Legions are Stag Knights, but not always.    River Knight - A knight of the Kingdoms of Balst. These knights are known for using spears, and treating their spears with the same reverence as other cultures do swords.    Silver Knight - A specific order of knights that live in Silversheim and have deciated their lives to the Gate God Ranir. They serve as wardens and guardians to much of the entrances and tunnels of the Underdark, and consider themselves the gatekeepers holding back the horrors of the Underdark.    Purse Knight - A mercenary knight, often used to describe small groups of skilled fighters that do all the same duties that a titled or landed knight would, just for pay instead of honor. "Purse Knight" is also used as an insult in some knightly circles to insinuate that someone bought their way into knighthood instead of earning it.    Drakken - also known as "The Chosen" or Drakeknights. The Drakken is a highly organized knightly order that serves the Tzardom of Kalazam. Drakken use the title "Drak" in place of the usual "Ser"