
The massive city of dwarves. Ironside, while not a capital city is by area, the largest city in all of Saol. Unlike Sanctuary was a sprawling mesh of religion and culture; Ironside is closer to the true dwarven cities of ancient times. Cold, stone halls; lakes of fire; and fortresses of imposing might. In recent years the dwarves of Ironside have taken an interest in returning to the world stage. Opening their doors to the races above and have even begun petitioning to be recognized as the eigth capital of Saol.


The Iron Kingdom is comprised nearly entirely of dwarves, however in recent years, in an effort to become a true player on the world stage they have opened their doors to the other races of Saol. Goliath, Rock Gnomes, and even Genasi have begun to settle here. They mainly worship the twin Dwarven Gods, Duran (Patron of Smithing and Mining) and Keuran (Patron of Craft).


The Iron Kingdom is ruled by a Council of Five elected Dwarven Lords. Each serves on this council for life unless the voluntarily retire which the may do so after twenty years of service or unless all four other council members vote them out. Each of the Lords directly oversee one of the five districts of the Iron Kingdom but together as a council determine the fate and future of its peoples. The number five is sacred among the peoples of Ironside as it is said it was a party of five dwarven adventurers that left Iobrie before the Night of Chaos to create a new Kingdom for its peoples. While over time many dwarves migrating north to the city of Sanctuary - The Five Ancient Kings and their lines crafted what is The Iron Kingdom today.


Windstone Hall

The first and largest district of Ironside is Windstone Hall. Named for the original capitol building of the city these massive sprawling halls and cliffs are named of the icy wind that flows through them. Governed by the Dwarven Lord of Ice, Kodiak Frostshield this district is home to many of the public facing guilds, shops and services. It is also home to the headquarters of the Iron Legion, the standing military of Ironside. There are many meeting and trade houses as well, representing the cold and serious energy surrounding the district.

The Fields of Fire

A misnomer as agriculture is essentially non-existent in the Iron Kingdom, the Fields of Fire is where the kingdom trades the biolumenscent light of crystals and ancient plants for the warm glow of magma rivers. Home to the greatest smiths and iron workers in the kingdom, it is a hot place of high tempers. Ruled by the youngest of the Dwarven Lords, Tomlin Embershard.

The Ancients Concourse

Governed by the bookish Corvist Sternspire, the Ancients Concourse is a place of excited learning. Dodging the cold winds of Windstone Hall and the heat of The Fields of Fire, the Ancients Concourse is place of peace and meditation. During the Dark Ages with the frequent invasions', the Dwarven Lords built a fortress within the city to house and hide the treasures and knowledge of their people. The fortress along with the surrounding libraries, inns and even the only known dwarven school of magic are located here. The fortress is rumored to even house texts from before The Night of Chaos, which has been a source of leverage for the dwarves and their goal of city growth.

Warrior's Rest

There is a fierce energy that exists in Warrior's Rest. Adventurers who seek Ironside, usually are intended for this district of violence and wild entertainment. The drinking establishments of Warrior's Rest are world famous and it said the arenas house combatants to match the warriors of Diligence. Mercenary Guilds and other hubs for fighters and thrillseekers can also be found here. The area is overseen by the only female Dwarven Lord, Bruna Battlestorm.

The White Dragon Depths

Governed by the calm, soft spoken, adventurer Khagus Truestone, The White Dragon Depths are the deepest and most mysterious areas in the Iron Kingdom. A legend tells of an ancient dragon god known as Baiyan who helped the first Dwarven Lords of Ironside carve out their kingdom. Once the kingdom was complete the dragon travelled deeper below to an infinite cavern of crystals, magic, and endless wonder. The Depths reside on where it is told Baiyan bid farewell. The White Dragon Depths are home to the majority of the dwarven working class, but also house the miners and jewelers guilds the city are famed for.


The Night of Chaos

There is some controversy regarding The Iron Kingdom that lingers to this day. During the Night of Chaos, Ironside was a young kingdom. With a population measuring no more then five thousand and less than half of that able bodied warriors. When the peoples of Veyacht called on Ironside to assist them in the fight, by an incredibly narrow decision the Dwarven Lords of the time instead decided to close their great doors and retreat under ground. The Lords of Ironside of the fifth age both acknowledge and condemn the actions of the former kings, and mark it as a moment of shame for the kingdom. During the rebuilding they spent great effort to assist the fledging capitals but amends would not be made. During the Dark Ages they once again went underground has their wealth was a frequent target for the rebel armies and monster clans.
Alternative Name(s)
The Iron Kingdom
Inhabitant Demonym
Mainly dwarven with a smattering of other races comfortable living under the surface.


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