Shield of Man

"Your life for the lives of many. You are the truest guardians of humanity. The shield that protects the world of man"
- Don Kato, Instructor and High Monk of the Way of the Diamond Shield

One of the tallest and most dangerous mountains in Saol is The Shield of Man. The Mountain itself is said to exist both above and below the water, its base at the very core of Ahmsear. From its peak you can see the green lands of Veyacht as well as the encroaching blight.

The Alliance of the Shield

At the peak of The Shield of Man is a monastary hiding a sprawling military complex. The monastary is home to an alliance of organizations dedicating to understanding, fighting and ultimately destroying the blight.

The Anchillean Scholars

Way of the Diamond Shield

The Way of the Diamond Shield monks train specifically to protect their allies and weaken their foes.

The Blighted Conclave Rangers

  They serve no individual nation but recieve support directly from the Council of Seven themselves. They fight this secret war to keep the blight at bay lest it should infest the shores of Saol once more.

A Diamond Shield Monk wielding crystalline protection magic

A Blighted Conclave Ranger stalks through the fields of corruption
Mountain / Hill


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