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The Ardor Family Guard Dog Akasa

Akasa's memories start at age seven when she was found by Garen Ardor. They had stolen her and her family from their lives in order to become lab rats for the organization, The Iron Banner. She was to become a super soldier after her parents and her oldest sister were pronounced "failures" and "discarded." Not seeing immediate results, they "discarded" her too.   She survived, at the cost of her memories, and had to struggle at the young age of seven to survive the streets of Saphos. Eventually, Garen Ardor found her and took her in, asking her simply to hone her abilities so that she may grow strong. (Garen was a wise man, and he knew what the Iron Banner represented. He knew war was coming.)   About eight years after this, at age fifteen, the war started. Garen announced that Xeno, his second-born, would be his heir. This angered the firstborn, Corin. Corin wanted power so he could align House Ardor with the Iron Banner, contrary to his father's desire. In his rage, he murdered his father and started a manhunt for Xeno, still possessing the loyalty of conservatives who believed his birthright was stolen.   After Garen's death, Akasa pledged her loyalty and service to the Ardor Family's true heir, Xeno, and has aligned with the rebellion ever since. Despite everything she's ever had being stolen from her, she still pushes on for the sake of revenge and anger and to make something of herself despite her past.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She stands at 5'5" and is quite lean and muscular.

Body Features

She has a few scars all over her body from her endeavors as a rebel and her time on the streets as a child.

Facial Features

She has almond-shaped eyes that usually appear bored, a round nose, dark skin, full lips, a few piercings, and a slit on her eyebrow.

Identifying Characteristics

She is identified by her usually bored and condescending stare and her untraditional Spriggan appearance (most Spriggans don't have buzz cuts).

Special abilities

She was given the rare Spriggan ability to "Detect Life," which is often useful during hunting but, she finds, it has many uses during covert rebel operations. She also has enhanced physical abilities due to the super soldier experimentation.

Apparel & Accessories

She barely accessorizes, save for a few piercings, and her apparel tends to be more simplistic than anything.

Personality Characteristics


Akasa is motivated by a debt she feels to the late Garon Ardor, former head of the royal House Ardor. She has no memories of her family or her life prior to the experimentation, so she fights to avenge the man who saved her life. Her enemies call her the "Ardor Family Guard Dog" because she's Xeno Ardor's best soldier and she refuses to let harm come to Garon's chosen heir.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Akasa has incredible physical and sensory prowess due to the experimentation she underwent in her youth and her inherent musculature and enhanced senses from being a Spriggan. She is skilled at using smaller weapons (like daggers and knives) and ranged ones (mainly bows and rifles). While still impressive, she only has moderate magical potential (magical potential is the estimate of magical aptitude based on their Aura) that she has yet to fully realize. Her strengths are sometimes her own weaknesses, as her brash and hotheaded ambition can often lead to her biting off more than she can chew.

Likes & Dislikes

Akasa likes those who do not expect to be respected without earning it first. She likes to ensure people are treated how they deserve ("Help people that need it, hit people who deserve it."). She values her freedom and doesn't like feeling controlled or forced into anything (this also applies to major events she feels as though were needlessly forced on her, like Garon's death).

Virtues & Personality perks

She's fiercely loyal and strong in her beliefs and opinions. She's honest, as are most Spriggans, and has a deep respect for those who earn it. She honors the world and isn't out to harm anyone she doesn't deem deserving. She has a strong sense of justice and can be lighthearted and humorous when the situation calls for it.

Vices & Personality flaws

She can be brash and ill-mannered and has quite a temper when provoked. Her emotional control can be dissolved quickly if someone threatens or talks ill of anyone she respects. She can be needlessly violent, contrary to Spriggan nature and potentially because of the experimentation. She often blurs the line between justice and vengeance and is highly impulsive.

Personality Quirks

She has a nervous habit of biting her nails and has a very informal way of speaking. While she usually sounds bored and apathetic, her normal voice is slightly deeper and melodic.


Despite being a soldier, she takes good care of herself.


Contacts & Relations

Many people believe she's simply Xeno's spiteful bodyguard. Officially, she's not really anything, she just does what she can for the sake of the Ardor family, as they gave her everything. In reality, she and Xeno are, as she would say, "just VERY good friends." Which they are, technically, but not actually. She is also friends with Natsuki, "Crowe," Jack, and many other iconic faces of the rebellion. Garen Ardor was less of a "father figure" to her and more of a second chance. As far as she knows, she has no family.

Family Ties

Akasa has no family, as her memories were taken from her. She had a community from which her family was stolen and she has no recollection of anything before she was found by Garen Ardor.

Religious Views

Contrary to most Spriggans, she believes in the entire Pantheon of Saphos, not just Shanagaia.

Social Aptitude

She can be quite charismatic when she wants to be, but for the most part, she stands behind Xeno and looks menacing.


Akasa has developed some mannerisms that appeared as a result of a subconscious desire to seem more intimidating. When near people she doesn't associate with, she often holds her head high, glares, scowls, and has a bored/apathetic tone. Around people she's comfortable with, she tends to be more smiley, touchy, and all-around more approachable.

Hobbies & Pets

Akasa currently has no pets, but she's more of a dog person.   For hobbies, Akasa enjoys practicing archery, weightlifting, eating, long walks in nature, and going out (despite her introverted nature). All she can remember from her early years is being alone and she no longer craves it.


Tends to be blunt and straightforward, but has a certain charisma about it. Very dry sense of humor.

Wealth & Financial state

Akasa has no wealth of her own, she refuses to be compensated for the work she does for the rebellion and for Xeno, but as the best soldier and Xeno's "Guard Dog," as her enemies call her, her needs are always met and she can demand compensation whenever she deems it necessary.

Akasa is a Spriggan super soldier experiment that was discarded without memories after being pronounced a failure. Her hair-trigger temper and incredible physical prowess add just as much to her charm as her natural charisma and dry humor.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
2nd of Faustbrok 2550 NA
Current Residence
The Shadow District, Shudderville
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
135 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'm not going to pretend this is about justice, it's about revenge. Always has been."

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