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Sapphire The Jewel Of The Void

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An expansive Disc-shaped world that floats within an empty void, never sitting still for a moment. On an orbit around Sapphire are Aspectum and Lana, Aspectum welcomes in the night while Lana brings light to the world.   Sapphire's land builds up towards an enormous mountain in the centre known as The Staircase, which is visible from anywhere on the Disc. Around The Staircase are mountain ranges known as The Steps, within The Steps are the homes of the dwarves who have built their cities, Urngor and Hlok, within the rocks. The dwarven cities are connected by the Dwjord Irnr, which are large tunnels that stretch below The Steps and The Staircase that also house the dwarf's mines and villages; Enth, Ilv, Vit, Thjara and Vartr.   Towards the southwest is Ferkor, one of the two capitals on the disc. It is home to the religion known as Celestialism which is a belief system that revolves around the idea that five immense beings died after communicating with each other to force their minds to physically join and create the land. Ferkor is incredibly well-guarded and is home to mostly humans due to their leader's prejudices against the other races. Also in the southwest is the floating lands known as Renalla, the home of the elves, which hovers above Lacrimae Lake. Portals are placed around the coast of the lake to allow travel up to the cities on the floating lands but are only usable to those who wear a Golden Ring which is given to elves at birth and those the elves find worthy.   To the northeast is the Painted Desert, a huge desert of pink sands and white mountains. The sands give off a magical aura which is why it is home to the School Of Magic, it also holds the second capital of Sapphire, Pomane. Pomane has no leadership and builds itself on allowing people to lead lives free of religion and prejudice, while it does have a smaller population than Ferkor the capital feels much busier due to the mix of races and traditions that fill it.   There is much more to explore on the Disc, such as Oculus Swamp or Solder Castle which each offer their own unique experiences and rewards, or learn more about the world from organisations like The Burgandays which have been researching odd phenomena across the Disc for centuries, perhaps a life of crime may suit your character better then find your way to Copperstreet where criminals take refuge. Sapphire offers something for every kind of character.