
Durgesh (singular "Durgaash" from Adurgeshi dthur-ghaazh /ᵈðuʁ.χɐ:ʐ/, literally "high-dweller") are an ancient race of reptilian beings believed to have been the first true kith species, likely having come into being prior to goblinoid kith entirely. Sometimes called "dragonkin," durgesh have large, bulky forms that tower over the heads of other kithfolk by the time they reach adulthood and thick, scaled hides resistant to physical damage and the elements both. Bearing a distant relationship to their drattsikan cousins native to the isles south of Ivskia, durgesh carry harsher features and exponentially greater musculature than their comparatively diminutive relatives.   Durgesh are the longest-living kith or demikith currently known to exist, routinely showing natural lifespans of between four and five centuries with the longest-living durgaash in recorded history, Ak Morughaazh, passing of sickness at 712 years of age in 1292.     In the modern era, their exceedingly low birthrates as compared to other kith races has seen the decline of most of their civilization hubs, and the few remaining communities are often incredibly insular and distrusting of those who do not share their species.   As traces of their ancient kingdoms have been found by various civilizations across the globe, the common theory as to their current rarity - especially when coupled with the less-than-ideal environments which their remaining colonies persist within - is that the spread of early human and elvish kingdoms forced the durgesh away from their homelands through deceptive trade, blackmail, or outright threats. Despite being formidable in battle due to their size and impressive build, the incredible amount of time necessary to birth and raise even a single durgaash child would have likely required these ancient beings to avoid conflicts if they wished to keep their species alive.  

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

A mere remnant of their once powerful spread across the known world, there now only exist five states which hold durgesh in significant numbers. Bhalduhm in Eletheros is perhaps the most prosperous of these, as the creation of khomdaruhm remains a well-kept secret within the community, and its sale enriches their livelihoods and keeps them well-defended.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

All known durgaash communities speak some dialect of adurgeshi, their long lives and insular communities preventing a short-term shift in culture.
Scientific Name
Reptilian Kith
350-500 years
Average Height
6'4"-7'10" (1.9 - 2.4 meters)


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