Aerico Species in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Aerico, or known to the locals as “Sand Demons” are vile ferocious creatures that hunt anyone who comes into their territory. They are reanimated corpses who are said to have come back alive due to the curse on the ruin city of Roki and its surrounding deserts.

Basic Information


These creatures are very Skelton like, with long sharp tongues and even sharper claws.

Genetics and Reproduction

Aerico’s don’t reproduce, but instead strengthen their numbers through unfortunate travelers who die in their deserts.

Growth Rate & Stages

When a body first becomes a sand demon it’s tongue lengthens and sharpens, their fingers and toes become claws, and they start to emit a sand like aura from their body.

Ecology and Habitats

Aerico’s are creatures of the desert and only inhabit the ancient ruin city of roki and the desert surrounding it.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Sand demons are carnivores and eat any type of flesh available to them, and sometimes if they’re hungry enough other sand demons

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Sand demons are only found in and around the city of Roki, it is believed that these creatures are made from a curse on the city and it is rumored that ones that stray too far instantly drop dead, however this is only a rumor and is heavily disputed.

Average Intelligence

These creatures are not very intelligent and only roam their domain, killing all they see.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have extraordinary hearing and can move silently, they are also rumored to be able to instantly appear from within a sand storm, but these are just local rumors.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Aerico are said to know no language and have no means of communication.


These creatures first appeared in the city of Roki when it was a well known city and extremely populated. They were so powerful they destroyed the city and its inhabitants and plunged the city into ruin.

The Enigma of the Aerico

Scholars and mages have long studied the Aerico, seeking to understand the nature of the curse that afflicts them. Some believe that the curse is fueled by the lingering resentment and anger of the city's inhabitants, while others speculate that it is sustained by dark magic or an ancient artifact buried within the city's depths.
Scientific Name
Average Physique
They are not typically muscular but they still have immeasurable strength.


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