Green tongue Mercenaries Organization in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Green tongue Mercenaries

Recruitment: The Green Tongue Mercenaries typically recruit new members from within the Yuan-Ti community. Potential recruits are sought based on their combat prowess, cunning, and loyalty to the organization. The recruitment process involves rigorous training and tests to ensure that only the most capable and loyal individuals join their ranks. However, on rare occasions, they may accept members from other races if they prove themselves worthy.   Combat Experience: The members of the Green Tongue Mercenaries are highly skilled in combat, having honed their skills through numerous battles and missions. They are adept in a wide range of combat styles, including swordplay, archery, stealth, and magic. Their ruthlessness and lack of moral restraint give them an advantage in battle, as they are willing to employ any means necessary to achieve victory. Their combat experience, coupled with their unwavering loyalty to the organization, makes them a formidable force on the battlefield.


The Green Tongue Mercenaries operate under a structured hierarchy that ensures efficient coordination and command. At the top of the organization is the Serpent Lord, the supreme leader of the Yuan-Ti mercenaries. They possess unparalleled authority and make all the major decisions for the group. Below the Serpent Lord, there are several key positions within the organization:   Blood Fangs: These elite commanders are directly responsible for leading the various squads and overseeing the day-to-day operations. They report directly to the Serpent Lord and possess excellent tactical skills.   Scalebinders: The Scalebinders are powerful spellcasters within the Green Tongue Mercenaries. They are skilled in the arcane arts and provide magical support on the battlefield. They also act as advisors to the Blood Fangs.   Fangblades: This is the main force of the mercenaries. The Fangblades are highly trained warriors who specialize in close-quarters combat. They serve as the backbone of the organization and execute the missions assigned to them.   Vipers: Vipers are the scouts and infiltrators of the Green Tongue Mercenaries. They excel in stealth, espionage, and gathering information. They play a crucial role in reconnaissance and sabotage operations.

Public Agenda

The Green Tongue Mercenaries have no moral qualms when it comes to fulfilling their contracts. Their public agenda is purely driven by financial gain and self-interest. They are known for their ruthlessness and willingness to undertake any task, regardless of its ethical implications. Their primary goal is to accumulate wealth and power by offering their services as skilled mercenaries to the highest bidder. They are notorious for their reputation as cold-blooded killers and are feared by many throughout the realm.


The Green Tongue Mercenaries possess various assets that contribute to their strength and success. Their wealth primarily consists of gold and precious gems acquired through their nefarious activities. They also control hidden safe houses and secret hideouts strategically located in remote and hard-to-reach areas. Additionally, they have a substantial armory of weapons and equipment suitable for their operations.


The Green Tongue Mercenaries do not have tangible trade items that they produce for export. Their surplus lies in their services as mercenaries. They offer their combat expertise and ruthless efficiency to anyone willing to pay their exorbitant fees. The mercenaries are skilled in various forms of warfare, making them highly sought after by those in need of their specialized skills.


While the Green Tongue Mercenaries lack traditional infrastructure like road networks, they have established a network of safe houses and secret meeting places across the realm. These locations serve as bases of operation and provide shelter, storage, and training facilities for their members. The mercenaries are well-versed in stealth and secrecy, utilizing their knowledge of the surrounding terrain to their advantage.


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