Lulabi Settlement in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Lulabi, situated in the far south of Naria, is a village with dwindling population. It is believed that creatures from the deep have been sighted in the area, leading to fear and a shrinking community.


Lulabi is a small village with a dwindling population, inhabited by a mix of orcs, goblins, and other races that prefer isolation from the rest of Naria.

Industry & Trade

The village's economy is minimal, with little trade or industry. Its people mostly fend for themselves and do not actively engage in commerce with other settlements.


Lulabi's infrastructure is simple, consisting of basic huts and makeshift shelters built by its inhabitants.


Lulabi's main assets are its people's resourcefulness and ability to survive in the harsh environment. They rely on hunting, gathering, and small-scale farming for sustenance.


Lulabi was once a thriving village, but it has slowly been shrinking in size due to various factors, including attacks from dangerous creatures and the harsh desert conditions.

Points of interest

The villagers tell tales of mysterious creatures emerging from the depths of the southern desert, which is both a point of fascination and fear.


Lulabi is situated in the far south of Naria, surrounded by vast and treacherous desert terrain.

Natural Resources

The village has access to meager natural resources such as desert plants and wildlife, which its inhabitants rely on for survival.

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