Mavum Settlement in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Mavum, located in the center-west of Naria, lies across the lake from Desioma. It is a small mining town where valuable minerals, particularly iron, are unearthed and traded throughout Naria, contributing to the country's wealth and resources.


Mavum is a small mining town primarily inhabited by orcs and dwarves. The two races work in harmony to extract valuable minerals from the earth.

Industry & Trade

The town's economy revolves around mining and trading valuable minerals. Mavum exports ores to neighboring settlements and has established profitable trade agreements.


Mavum's infrastructure consists of mines, workshops, and living quarters for its inhabitants. The town has a well-organized system for mining and processing ores.


Mavum's main assets lie in its rich mineral deposits, particularly iron and other valuable metals. These resources contribute significantly to Naria's economy.


Mavum's history is intertwined with the discovery of its valuable mineral deposits, which led to its establishment as a mining town.

Points of interest

The mines of Mavum are the town's main attraction, with skilled miners delving deep into the earth to extract precious resources.


Mavum is situated in the center-west of Naria, across the lake from Desioma. The town is surrounded by rocky terrain, making it an ideal location for mining.

Natural Resources

Mavum's most significant natural resource is its abundant mineral deposits, including iron and other valuable metals.

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