Crobeck Hammerfell Character in Sarnapt | World Anvil
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Crobeck Hammerfell

Crobeck Hammerfell

Crobeck is a short and stout man with a rude personality, some would say he has a short personality. He is the financial advisor to Duke Lancer. He Loves Money and will do almost anything to strike up a deal. Crobeck Almost runs the town of Knogle since he is in charge of all the town's financial needs. This includes fishing, farming, marketing, trading, and any exports and imports coming through the island. Nothing gets past him when it comes to coin, he's like a hound dog on a hunt. The greedy dwarf thinks himself a better fit to rule Crestlach.   Crobeck is known as the last dwarf on the Island of Crestlach. Though small in stature this man seems to be hiding a large secret. He is known to cause trouble for those that don't listen to him as they seem to disappear without a trace a day later. He is known to be corrupt but, Duke Lancer  keeps him around for some unknown reason.

Crobeck is a short stout man with a rude personality, some would even say he would call it a short personality. He is the financial advisor to Duke Lancer. He Loves Money and will do almost anything to strike up a deal. Crobeck Almost runs the town of Knogle, and sees himself as a better fit ruler than Duke Lancer.

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Chaotic Neautral
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