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Alkinn ArcKnight

Alkinn Liadon (a.k.a. Kinny)

She was once an agent of death, a curse upon her people. It was only when she was cut down that her mindset changed. Nothing prepared her for the death she had suffered and the destiny that would unfold bringing her back and sending her on a new path.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Alkinn has a Lithe form, standing at a Meger 5'0ft and weighing in at 128lbs. Despite this however she is a beast, molded in muscle, able to carry a lot more than one would think.

Body Features

Her skin looks porcelain, no visible blemishes or imperfections on her face. Her body however is decorated with scars from the past. Her figure is well defined with wider shoulders and small curves.

Facial Features

She has youthful features, a small, pointed chin with fuller cheeks and large, almond shaped eyes that betray how old she truly is. Her lips are soft and small, naturally resting in a peaceful position.

Identifying Characteristics

Her eyes are like black pools of darkness. The scars that decorate her body stand out as something more than just battle scars.

Physical quirks

She won't look you in the eyes, if forced to hold eye contact, she will flinch and try her hardest to avoid your gaze.

Apparel & Accessories

The elf dons herself in recently acquired dark half plate with a wicked looking shield on her back and a spiked Warhammer at her side.

Specialized Equipment

Disguise kit, Herbalism kit, simple and martial weapons, light and medium armor, shields.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alkinn once followed the Raven Queen like most of her fellow Shadar-kai, after all, the queen was the one who originally created their kind. The now Cleric followed her righteously, doing her bidding and making a life through mercenary work. No questions asked even if she didn’t agree. It was the way of life down there. She had heard stories of some Shadar-kai escaping the Queen and, in a way, it fascinated her, why would they leave their maker? It ate at Alkinn’s thoughts, she wondered what the other deities had to offer that would make her people turn from The Raven Queen. In her off time, the mercenary would study books and listen to stories of other deities, writing research papers on them, trying to teach herself to understand. She was most interested in the god of death, Kelemvor. His story intrigued Alkinn. She began to wonder what it would be like to serve under him instead of The Raven Queen. While it was true his title was the ‘god of the dead’, Kelemvor was more of a shepherd than anything, leading souls to their deities after death and to their chosen afterlives. Those who chose not to follow a deity, their souls were put in what was called ‘The Wall’; they were the bricks of it, no afterlife waiting for them, just endless screaming into the void. The books hinted that Kelemvor never truly enjoyed putting souls to the wall, it pained him, but it was part of what he was.   Alkinn had felt connected to him in the sense that both did their jobs, regardless of how they felt. She understood him in that sense and as she learned more the what ifs began distracting the mercenary from the Raven Queen. Unfortunately, inspired by what she had learned, she became too loud about it and got too close. Her fellow Shadar-kai did not take well to it, and she began to be shunned, so much so that even her own parents disowned her. Some more open minded Shadar-kai began to question their own beliefs which caught the attention of the Raven Queen herself. She considered the elf an intruder now, trying to turn others to a different path then what the queen wanted. One night, threatened by this, The Raven Queen sent the priests to end this delinquent's reign. They ransacked her home, setting fire to not only her research but the house itself and all of Alkinn’s possessions. The smoke drew Alkinn out and as she tried to run, the head priest cast Hold Person on her as the others ambushed her. She was able to fend off quite a few of the lesser priests but with the wrath of the mass they overpowered her. Stripped her bare, tied her up and tortured her with tools and spells. Her skin was shredded by hundreds of knives, and was scalped, thrown onto a stone cross and tied with thorns to be a warning to any other betrayers.   Naked and betrayed by her deity, the woman shouted in agony. Death would not take her soon enough; it seemed she was made to suffer until she could cross over into Kelemvor’s domain. Alkinn knew her fate, she was dammed and would become another tortured soul in the wall as the queen disowned her. The thought of this caused terror to bubble over. Her form was released from the stone and her soul fell to its knees in defeat, her screams of melancholy drew Kelemvor to the elf. He stood in front of the woman and kneeled, cupping her chin in his rough hand, forcing her to look at him. She would have pleaded for her life if her voice hadn’t been destroyed from her screams. He would look at her for a long moment, tracing her wounds with his eyes. He was quiet for a long moment as if studying something new before standing and offering his hand to her. The elf stared in disbelief, waiting for him to reap her soul and destroy her body but…it never came. Instead, his voice came to her. “Alkinn The Betrayer… rise. Your destiny is not yet complete, pledge your loyalty to me and you will be a shepherd, you do not have to end this way.” He commanded, his voice deep and melancholic. Slowly she stood. “What can I do, how should I be a shepherd?” She asked, looking away. Kelemvor grabbed her chin and showed her the wall of souls, the screaming tortured her mind and made her squirm. “Be loyal to me and you will have a second chance, unless the wall is what you wish.” He beckoned, his voice cold. Alkinn could hear her heartbeat fading, she was running out of time. Forcing her eyes from the wall, she got a glimpse of his eyes and nodded, taking his extended hand. All at once everything came rushing back, the black faded white and she was reborn.   Her breath came back to her in spurts as she lay in a bed not her own, gasping for air. As she sat up and her vision slowly returned to her as she squinted; daylight stung her eyes. A priest of Kelemvor was caring for her, giving the elf a home within a temple of Kelemvor for several years. She was brought away from her ways as a mercenary and instead turned to becoming a cleric. Creating a new life for herself, a new name. Years after waking up in the temple Alkinn branched out, going on jobs with a few other priests and clerics as they healed, rescued, and turned others to him. The cleric would continue her research of other deities and quickly became bored of her docile life. She developed the opinion that instead of actively trying to convert others to Kelemvor himself, she should find the lost, those who don’t choose to follow any deity, and lead them to finding one. Wishing to never see another soul be put in the wall.     The priests in the temple didn’t quite agree with her on this, believing that their job was to bring Kelemvor more followers. Fearing for her life, Alkinn left that night, terrified of them coming for her like her kind had. She left in the dead of night with nothing but the most important things on her and began to travel across the lands. Picking up odd jobs here and there and starting her transition into a shepherd of the people. This isn't to say that she was a preacher or prophet, in fact she despised those who were, believing it was wrong, her shepherding was subtle. Intimate, telling only the facts she had seen and for several, that was enough. She did this for many years and made several allies this way, those who felt like she had saved them from some unknown horror, but the woman never boasted, never advertised. She just waited.   It was during this time that Kelemvor himself began to speak with Alkinn more directly, at first with just feeling, then signs, then dreams and eventually telepathically. He respected her values and showed her that it was making a difference, if only in small ways, she was his shepherd like he said she would be. During one of her last trips across the land, Kelemvor became distant and angry. Something was killing more people than the god could handle all at once, all the paperwork, he had many souls be damned to the wall and he was tired of it. One night, when it seemed Alkinn was straying from him, the god placed a nightmare in her mind. It showed a line of souls each waiting for their afterlives, many among them didn’t choose a deity and were put in the wall, some that Alkinn knew. This terrified her. He spoke to her through this, telling her to figure out why so many deaths were happening and to find some way to stop or at least slow it, this led her to Yolgst and into something much bigger than her faith.

Gender Identity

She/Her, Female




She's rather fluent in the history of many deities.

Mental Trauma

The crucifixion she went through haunts her memories.

Personality Characteristics


Incorruptibility: Be a symbol, and leave your flawed being behind. Service: lead others to their after lives, draw them away from nothingness

Vices & Personality flaws

Bluntness: Though she has learned how to be nicer about it, Alkinn can still come across as very blunt when describing her mind.

Personality Quirks

She won't hold eye contact, it's almost as if it physically pains her to do so.


Family Ties

After finding out the woman was questioning The Raven Queen and studying other deities her parents and her people disowned her. The party she travels with now is the only family she claims.

Religious Views

She is a shepherd of Kelemvor, the god of death.


Alkinn is, an odd ball, she only seems to show emotion when being engaged and her aura gives off a scarily calm attitude, almost as if nothing truly bothers her


She speaks with a smooth coated voice

Wealth & Financial state

She has enough to keep her out of the slums

The woman you see before you is odd, she's cool to the touch and her eyes have no pupils, scars decorate parts of her body hiding a horror story behind them. She's a shepherd, wanting to lead others to find peace in a deity.

View Character Profile
Shadow Fell
Black, Pupil-less
Off white and Shaggy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White Ashen
Quotes & Catchphrases
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Sylvan