Ankor Character in Sarnapt | World Anvil
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Ankor Is one of the first residents of the island. He Curses those he comes across in the forest and turns them into beasts. Ankor himself turns into a beast and destroys any settlement outside of Knogle. He is know to stay in the forest and never ventures outside of it. Ankor lives in a castle in the middle of the forest where he does all his planning and bidding. Ankor is very intelligent and seems to lure people toward the forest. Recently he has has been more active in getting the attention of the people of the Island Of Crestlach .

This mysterious fellow is stirring up trouble on the island. He has supposably been Turing the residents of Crest Latch. Our party only knows one thing, he is dangerous and not to be messed with.

Current Location
Cursed Forest Of Crestlach
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