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Lazarus Solkolov

Lazarus Solkolov

Physical Description

Body Features

Rail-thin and barely a healthy weight, freckles covering his whole body (to his slight embarrassment) and minimum muscle. Taller than he initially appears due to how he holds himself. Surprisingly calloused, dexterous hands.

Facial Features

Eyes grey like morning mist with slight discoloring underneath from sleepless nights. A very short beard as gold as his hair and as soft as his features. His near-constant nervous expression can quickly turn to wide-eyed curiosity or tight-lipped concentration.

Physical quirks

Chronic headaches make him squint heavily in bright light, and there is always a strange glint to his eyes. If one watches closely, they might notice a slight iridescence in his hair and eyes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a modest family of herders in a tiny town, Lazarus grew up the youngest boy of 10 siblings--though considering his father's promiscuity he likely has many more. He was born very weak and frail and has rarely had a day without the hint of a headache; when his stern father and siblings labored away in the fields with the animals, Lazarus stayed inside with his mother and younger sisters. While physically lacking, he filled his days with stories and studies of anything he could get his hands on, with particular love for knowledge on how the world works, the sciences and arcana. He also became adept at card tricks and fake slight-of-hand magic tricks he learned to entertain his younger siblings, though his relationship with his siblings didn't run very deep and he remained the black sheep of the family And his connection with his father was tense at best (Mr. Sokolov likely didnt consider Lazarus his real son, since his skinny frame and blond hair took after his mother unlike his suntanned, dark haired father and brothers).   Tiny though the village was, its place along the road led many strange travelers to pass through--especially prospective wizards on their way to the wizard school a couple days travel away in the mountains. With his family's large barn, many stayed the night in the haylofts or spare room for a small fee before continuing through the mountain pass. Ever eager for news and stories of the larger world, Lazarus always talked with the guests. Feats of magic didn't require the strength and stamina that hard field labor did---he could find a name/place for himself despite others doubts of his abilities. So when he turned 18, he left all he knew behind and applied for the wizard school, joining a mid-aged wizard on his way.   But the school was not the answer he hoped for. The prestigious headmasters of the school (along with the snobbish wizards studying there) are highly discriminatory about who can join their school, and Lazarus has neither the money nor lineage they usually seek. But they make a deal for Lazarus to become one of the many sages of the school promised, once they have 'gained a scholarly mindset' and 'become worthy,' to become students of magic. He scribed and copied spells, organized the massive archives, set up experiments and potions for lecturers, traveled with wizards on short research trips, anything task that the great, all-powerful mages didn't have the time (desire) to do. Every year he was rejected for wizard training; after 12 years of rejections, he snapped at the school's high council of elder wizards and demanded to know what he needed to do finally 'become worthy.' The Elders told him the prestige and complexity of magic was too precious to be "wasted" on lowborn, feeble wretches like him, and he should be grateful for his place as a servant to a greater cause. Crestfallen he returns to his chambers, contemplating the years he's wasted...only to realize it was not a waste. For those years of great service, while not giving him magic abilities he desired, gave him knowledge about everything else in the school--including where all the secrets were.   In a fit of petty revenge, Lazarus spent the next week making copies of the most powerful scrolls, collecting rare ingredients and components, and even snatching a few enchanted items he knew wouldn't be noticed for a long time. When he could fit no more knowledge in his pockets and pack, he snuck out and left the school. That whole week it felt like there was a flame in his blood, a pressure behind his eyes making the whole world sharp and glaring, a presence watching, following him. It finally compounded in a fit of paranoid rage when he cried to the glaring stars and the Archfey appeared to him. They proclaimed themself an observer, a record keeper, and wisdom bestower--and filled with insatiable curiosity, just as him. They offers a contract: lend them his eyes to see the world, his voice to ask questions, his ears to hear tales, his heart to feel emotions, share with them all of his experiences in exchange for the abilities, skills, knowledge Lazarus craves. Wary but without purpose, he accepts and spends the next two years under the Archfey's patronage.




Over a decade of experience as an assistant (servant), sage, and researcher for a prestigious (pretentious) wizard academy in the mountains

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes: Snakes


Family Ties

Mother: Karina Solkolov "Father": Lucian Solkolov Siblings: Older - Nikolai, Abel & Avigail, Cassandra, Ruben, Daniella, Elijah, Dimitri, and Nathanael Younger - Eliana & Evelyn     ???: Idris Saphyr

Hobbies & Pets

Familiar: pseudo-dragon, Shrike Hobbies: illustration, reading (particularly about history, other cultures and realms, and magic)


Generally well-spoken, but occasionally the melodic rolling accent of Ewhait's peoples comes through despite his efforts.

The frail, radiant warlock of the Cosmic Court, this humble shepherd's son is now the scholarly sage of the Watcher Fey. His quest of knowledge drives him to search for answers--about the world and himself.

View Character Profile
Date of Birth
338 on the 9th of September
Village in the foothills of Ewhait
Grey (almost metallic)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ivory, freckled
180 cm
134 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Sylvan, Draconic, Elvish

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