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Muta Vitelet

Muta Vitelet

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Muta is fairly tall and kind of lanky which makes it easier for her to slip and sneak around. But despite her lankiness, she is easily able to hold her own with a shortsword or dagger.

Facial Features

In her natural form, her facial features are very limited. Her skin is nearly completely white, her eyes are all white, and what would typically be prominent facial features easily blend with her skin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Muta was born to a human mother but her father, who was unknown to her, was a changeling. She lived a seemingly normal childhood for a changeling. She learned how to control her ability to shift her appearance. Her mother was never attached or had any motherly love for her, but still cared for Muta to the best of her ability. Around the age of four, Muta’s mother learned of a Noble family in need. The noble family was under frequent attack and had children around the same age as Muta. With Muta’s mother owing great debts to many people, she offered the nobles her child in exchange for a large sum of money. The Nobles accepted the offer and took in Muta and began to train her as a decoy. Muta learned and trained to be a decoy for the children of the noble family and learned how to defend the children if an attack was ever successful. She continued to strengthen her ability to change into the appearance of those needed and became skilled with a dagger. The nobles never really cared for Muta as to them, she was something that could be easily replaced with the right amount of money. As Muta and the noble children grew up, the children began to be married of, there was less of a purpose for Muta. On one of the last trips, Muta was placed a decoy for the youngest daughter of the Noble who was to be married the next day. On their way, they suffered a terrible attack which resulted in the death of most of the nobles on the trip, including her “employers”. Despite this, Muta was able to escape by taking on the appearance of one of her attackers. Muta made her way back to the town, surviving on the skills she had picked up. As she spent more time in the town, learning her way around things, she became skilled at infiltrating and espionage using her changeling powers to her advantage. She learned that she could make money off knowledge and secrets of those in power. As she got better at discovering the secrets of nobles and taking what she needed from them, the riskier her jobs became. While Muta did not seek out violence, she would not hesitate to attack or defend herself if necessary. This caused her to meet a human girl named Clarissa who, unbeknown to Muta, was part of the thief’s guild. Despite this, the two became close and Clarissa was the first person to truly see Muta as a person rather than an asset. But one day, Clarissa was gone without a trace, except for a letter detailing she was a part of the thief’s guild, indentured to another member and she was called back to go on a particularly dangerous assignment, but did not detail where she was going. Frustrated and heartbroken over the loss of the only person who had shown her kindness in a long time, she vowed herself to buy Clarissa out of her servitude to repay her for showing Muta that she too was a person who deserved kindness and love.


No formal education


was an involuntary decoy for a noble family.

Personality Characteristics


  • repaying the kindness shown to her (specifically Clarissa)
  • being known for who she is rather than her abilities
  • Social

    Religious Views

    Muta does not follow any religion or god. While she wouldn't be opposed to following a god, she simply does not see a purpose in doing so.

    A changeling rouge who was raised as a living decoy rather than a person. While she’s surprisingly sociable for a changeling, her demeanor is simply a disguise for what she truly wants. She’ll take what she wants when she wan

    View Character Profile
    Chaotic Neutral
    Female in her natural form
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    150 lbs
    Known Languages
    Common, Draconic, Elvish, Infernal, Thieves’ Cant