Session 29
The party awakens the next day and starts to prepare for the long journey back home. Tymus, knowing that he will be gone for a long time tries to hand the guard over the Bargast, but he refuses. Instead Barghast give Tymus a box of his cigars. Tymus then talks to his most trusted member of the guard and hand the company over to him for the time being, he tells him to keep the rest in line, but knows that probably will not happen without him. The party gathers their rations says goodbye to Bargast and says goodbye to the city, they make their way to the exit to the waste land once again.
The party hitch a ride on a wagon to the exit of the country and make their way through the wastes once more. The journey is even tougher from before as the weather pounds on them like they have stirred something large in the cosmos. While the sandstone pound them wild find debris and Lazarus uses the box of wrapping to make a shelter for their horses. The next day the sand storm clears and the group continues on, they come across a pack of wild scorpions that try to attack them, but they clear them out pretty easily. Two days pass through the wastes and the party finally see the obelisk of knowhere, but then Samo stops moving in his tracks. He point to a large plateau with plant coming from it, and says that he feels like he needs to go there. The party wanting to stop at the nearest civilization follows Samo and heads the direction of the plateau taking a detour from heading home. The party gets to the plateau and realizes that they have to climb to get to the top, Samo simply flies up while Muta goes ahead of the party setting up a climbing rope. With some struggle the team gets to the top and uncover what looks like.. A Temple?