BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 43

The party the next day heads back up the cliffside and goes towards the hill near the town. As the party approached the top of the hill a large lake appeared and as they walked toward the other side of the lake the fog of the area enclosed upon them all. The air around them seemed almost tense as something in the water was approaching. The waves started crashing and a huge shadow with ill intentions came upon them. The Shadow turned out to be a massive duck with razor sharp teeth. Knowing that the beast could not be easly defeated so they retreated farther into the lake. A voice called out to them in the fog and all the party could do was trust in the voice with their lives. Running towards it a small cabin appeared and the party rushed inside it.   A larger man with a rugged look closed the door behind them and stood infront of them. Thinking it was a trap the party prepared for a fight, but the mans toned turned into a more calming manner telling everyone to quiet down. As the beast approaches the small cabin it stalks it for a small amount and it eventually loesses interest. The rugged fellow explains that the beast is a terror to the lake nearby. After some conversation the party reveals that the man is captain Ramsy. The party explains why they came to the top of the hill in the first place, to get across the ocean. Ramsy explains that he would love to help them but his ship has been guarded by the monsterious beast outside for 10 years. Ramsey explains the he has almost given up on sailing the seas and he knows that his men probably wouldnt follow him. The party explains that them men down at the tavern said that they had never seen a better captain than him. With some persuasion ramsey is led back to the town to meet with his men.    With the long treck back down the hill and through the town back to the tavern. When appearing at the entrance the entire tavern seemed tense. Then it errupted in joy as the war torn men embraced their old captain.


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