Sostan The First Character in Sarnapt | World Anvil
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Sostan The First

Sostan is a handsome and polite fellow who has employed our adventurers to help the Island Of Crestlach. He himself has been secretly employed by Duke Lancer to fix the curse of the island. Though he seems all business sometimes he can give very good advice to those who seek it. He can be found doing paperwork and drinking hot tea at The Charred Skull. One will recognize him by his absurd sense in fashion, wearing a gold embroiled red top hat and a complete red tux. He has promised to give much coin and more employment to the adventurers if they complete the job they are tasked with. He has a habit of ignoring people who seem incompetent for a job and he is a member of the RED HATS.

The Employer of the First Adventure

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