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Tymus Stoneflayer

Tymus Stoneflayer

An older man by the modern age, Tymus was born in the year 205, shortly after the death of the Fay King. However, despite the fall of the Archfay he was still born in a vassal tribe of a Fay Lord who made his own personal fiefdom out of former Dwarvish lands. While it was still a point of pride that his people helped slay the Great King it did not stop the Fay Lord from doing as he wished. As soon as he was able to speak his native tongue Tymus was given an examination by a Fay who was looking to assign him work. While using various magical tools to inspect him, the Fay discovered he had some Giant's blood running through his veins. While Tymus was busy being shocked that the rumor of his great grandmother mating with a Giant was indeed true, the Fay was making plans. He was to be sent to the forges immediatly where he was to be taught the basics of runecrafting to better serve his Fay overlords.   For 50 years he would work from the start of the day to the end, enduring threats and punishments for slight mistakes. By the end even the most brutal of punishments would often feel monotonous, he craved change by any means.   However, before he could make an attempt for freedom that would likely see his life wasted, the Banishment came. A Dwarvish army from a powerful neighboring clan arrived, attempting to drive off the Fay and claim their territory. Lord Emmyr Mountainbane led the force, utilizing several old clan tunnels to ambush the Fay lord and force his retreat.   This would have an interesting effect on the conquering army, while the Fay King had been killed several decades ago it had only slightly weakened their hold on the Dwarven lands. This was the first time a Dwarf Army had successfully defeated a Fay force in a major battle since perhaps the slaying of the Archfay himself. It was under these conditions that the glory-drunk army clambered for a further campaign against all foreign forces in the once fully Dwarf region. Furthermore, it was under these conditions that they started to demand something their people had not had since the arrival of the Fay, they wanted the ascension of a Herald.   Upon this great conquest Tymus was freed from his shackles, upon which he immediately bent the knee to his new Lord in recognition of the monumental debt he owed. His immediate submission gained him favor and upon seeing some of his work and his ancestral magic Tymus received the offer to become the personal smith of the Lord. While Tymus did indeed owe what was surely a life debt to this man, he had never truly been able to experience the world enslaved inside his forge as he was. As such Tymus requested a role that would allow him to more directly serve the Mountainbane, the request was accepted and he was allowed to seek training as a soldier to further serve the Lord as a bodyguard.   While Tymus trained to meet his new employer's standards, Emmyr began further campaigning. Using a mix of unconventional tactics and overwhelming force he would drive off Fay Lord after Fay Lord, even managing to slay a few before they could weasel their way out. It was after a crushing victory at the former capital city of Jotrington that saw a Fay Lord dead at the end of Emmyr's greatsword that support for him reached a critical pitch. It was said after the admittedly brutal sacking of the city a crown was found and promptly put on the Lord's head. Whether or not he truly wanted the position did not matter, the people had decided on the first of their new Heralds.   At the right hand of the newly minted Herald Tymus was able to witness one of the defining periods for his people, the Unification. One after another, Fay Lord's were driven from the lands and rival clans were forced into fealty. For the first time in a Dwarvish generation their people were under a central government. A period of prosperity that had never been seen before descended onto the land, but more importantly the famously stubborn people finally started to change.   The new generation grew up in a period of prosperity without the embedded philosophy of isolationism pervading their minds. Once they finally gained true political capital the nation changed completely. Colonies were established in foreign areas, dwarf diplomats reached out to other countries, and power was further centralized into the government.   It was under these conditions that the Herald passed, his son, Prince of the Forge Karnus Mountainbane, took the title of Herald. Tymus, who took on more of an advisor role in the later years of the Herald, stayed in the same role. Shortly after the new Herald's crowning, a lack of news from the colony of Nore grew concerning enough to send his bodyguard to investigate.

A graying Dwarf from the homeland of Jotrington with strange runes carved into his equipment. He finds himself out of place in the human world, frequently misunderstanding the culture.

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Lawful Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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