Bestiary in Sartova | World Anvil


The denizens of Evandyr, and by extension, Sartova, are of an extremely varied sort. Dragons of fiendish, ephemeral, arcane, and grotesque varieties. The Demons of Avernus, "Stone-Fire Men" that are crafted from natural materials and given will. Massive mutations of natural beasts such as the Dire Bear. To make matters worse, beings from the Themes of The Planar Danse of Histories can find their way from their outer dimensions into the God's Chronicle. Devils, Quori, Arboreals, Psychopomps, Elementals, and Inevitables are to name but a few, and all of them are completely alien not just in physical form or philosophy, but in rudimentary existence.   Fear not, recruit, it is I, Scribe-Warden Demetrius, who will lift the Kaligaran Veil of misguided knowledge, and codify the types of horrors that you may encounter in your defense of Gol. Here you will find the chapters on Kyrian Transmutations, the works of Avernus, the Living Spells of Er'laria, and more.   Welcome to the Wardens.   IN AETERNUM. AD INFINITUM.  

The Warden Manifesto, by Scribe-Warden Demetrius, in 723 AB.

Articles under Bestiary


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