Astral Heritage Species in Sarvrithash | World Anvil
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Astral Heritage

Astrals are a class of beings created by the universe in order to bring order to gods, their purpose was to kill gods and take their place as rulers of Mortals.

Basic Information


Astrals usually take on a Humanoid Form, commonly resembling that of the species they watch over, such is the case with Astrals: Kotra, taking on the form of a devil; and Olympia, taking on the form of a Titan. Or their form will be influenced by their mortal shape, as is the case with the Astrals: Kamishi Kishien, taking on the form of a Saiyan; and Isnam, taking on the shape of a Human in his lower forms.

Biological Traits

The biological traits of Astrals are directly related to their host body, and are often not effected by their Astral Heritage.

Genetics and Reproduction

Astrals cannot Reproduce Biologically, they can be cloned, however these clones always have a very short lifespan as they have no core, so they tend to quickly corrupt and die. Astrals are created from a mysterious one way portal found in The Rift.

Growth Rate & Stages

Astrals are technically a fusion of two beings, A sentient being in their fertilized egg stage, and an Astral Core produced in The Rift. However Astrals are inherently "athanatœ" (Deathless) and "ageraos" (Ageless) the same as Gods, they can age to their Prime but they cannot grow old. Some Astrals do have the ability to Transform such as Kamishi and Isnam. this will be outlined in their character articles

Ecology and Habitats

Astrals do not technically have a "Habitat" as they can live anywhere, however they will usually choose a place they feel comfortable, be it a floating island in the sky, or a pocket dimension built for gods.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Astrals do not require food to live but will tend to eat what they feel like.

Biological Cycle

Astrals are ageraos, time does not effect their physical state.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Divine Hierarchy


You can't domesticate that which is above the gods

Facial characteristics

Specific to Host

Average Intelligence

Sentient, generally close to the Host's average intelligence

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, Hearing, Ki Sense, Arcana Sense

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Specific to Host

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Usually Specific to Hosts, but when Astrals reach their prime they tend to change their name to one more fitting. However due to lack of population, names based on gender are unable to be identified.

Gender Ideals

Specific to Host

Courtship Ideals

Specific to Host, commonly influenced by Human Courtship

Relationship Ideals

Specific to Host, commonly influenced by Human Courtship

Average Technological Level

Biggest breakthroughs so far is being able to produce universes (Project Alterra), being able purify Corrupted Matter (Project Kamishi), and being able to create perfect artificial souls (Project X-12). Smaller stuff includes: creating new Host bodies for Astrals in case theirs is destroyed (Project Limit Break), Cloning (Project Synthesis), Transference (Project Tenno).

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Neo Deus (Revised Language of the Gods)

Common Etiquette Rules

Specific to Host

Common Dress Code

Specific to Host

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Specific to Host

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Specific to Host

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Despite Ruling above mortals they are commonly observed speaking with them on equal terms, as if their immortal gap didn't exist.
Scientific Name
Interfectorem De Diis
Athanatœ (Deathless) and Ageraos (Ageless)
Conservation Status
Astrals, despite having such a miserable population (3 Full Blooded Astrals), is not actually endangered, far from it, astrals usually dont live long and there usually shouldn't be even one in existence at one time, as their purpose is to kill a god and take their place, going through a divine metamorphosis and losing their astral energy and core altogether.
Average Height
Specific to Host
Average Weight
Specific to Host
Average Length
Specific to Host
Average Physique
Specific to Host
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Specific to Host

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Articles under Astral Heritage


Ability Score Increase +2 Int, +1 Dex
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Age: Astrals tend to mature at the same rate as a Human, reaching childhood by the age of 5, they reach adulthood around the age of 20. However unlike other humanoids, Astrals cannot grow old and thus cannot die of old age.   Alignment: Astrals are very varied beings, who tend to have a personality based on their host's species. They are usually Lawful Neutral.   Size: Astrals tend to be about the same size as a Human, standing about 6 feet tall and averaging almost 200 pounds. Your size is Medium.   Astral Host: Astrals are a fusion of two beings, and thus require a mortal host. Pick a Second Race.   Astral Resilience: you are resistant to radiant.   Astral Ki: You have a natural affinity for Ki, gaining 1 point of Ki at level 1 and an additional Ki point at every subsequent level.   Astral Phenomenon: Taking Fatal damage will cause you to enter a Limit Broken state for 2 turns. You become resistant to all damage types, and allowing you to perform your regular action twice, you will regenerate 1d6 Health if you choose not to use your second action. If you are downed again while in this state you can only be revived by magic or must be resuscitated after the battle. This ability requires a long rest before being used again.

Languages. Neo-Deus: the ability to speak and hear the language of all things.


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