Hunter's Guild Organization in Sarvrithash | World Anvil
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Hunter's Guild

The Hunter's Guild is a central governing association in Sarvrithash, in pursuit of a common goal. Its main purpose is preventing the ecosystem from being further damaged, in an attempt to prevent extant species from becoming extinct. It intends to coordinate humans with nature, despite the two having become separated over millennia. To enforce this policy, the Guild uses trained experts, hunters. The populations of monsters in each region are recorded, and hunters are not allowed to repeatedly hunt the same species unless otherwise stated. Poaching can result in a multitude of punishments, but the most common is death at the hand of a Guild Knight.   To hunt without a license from the hunters' guild is considered poaching, and is punishable by imprisonment and or death by a guild knight. This is due to the tenets of the hunters' guild valueing the cycle of life.   "One does not take a monster's life lightly, to do so would betray the balance of nature. A hunter has an obligation to see it's sacrifice does not go to waste." ~ Guild Knight Julius, educating an aspiring hunter.

Public Agenda

The Hunter's Guild unifies and regulates all hunting activities. It collects hunting and gathering requests from all over the world, posting them within their gathering halls and outposts for hunters to undertake. There are many purposes to such tasks, such as keeping people and towns safe from harm, or researching the anatomy and biology of monsters. On certain occasions, such as an elder dragon attack or the discovery of a new species, the Guild itself will issue a hunting request to a specific range of hunters. It keeps a comprehensive list of all known monster species and variations, and will provide hunters with this information on a regional basis.   Furthermore, the Hunter's Guild is responsible for determining areas can be embarked upon when hunting. It will sometimes restrict which hunters can enter certain areas. Finally, the Hunter's Guild will build colosseum and arenas for controlled fights between hunters and monsters to occur. They are typically used for training purposes, but also for the entertainment of the public.

May the Sapphire Star light your way

The crest of the Hunter's Guild contains four symbols, representing the four values that the association attempts to uphold.
The highest symbol represents ‘respect for nature’,
the left symbol represents ‘life as a community,’
the right symbol represents ‘prosperity from nature’,
while the lowest symbol represents ‘crafting from nature’.
Founding Date
806 PT
Guild, Professional
Alternative Names
Hunter's Association
Controlled Territories

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