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Occupying the southern region of the Basin, the Breitonians (formerly known as the Kollin) were a sedentary tribe that make use of the resources they are given to position themselves as a jack-of-all trades tribe. They were capable hunters, fishers, and harvesters, and have some experience working with simple boats. A typical Kollin was utilitarian at heart. They were a moderately sized tribe, made up of roughly 52 combat-ready individuals.   The Kollin were spread out in multiple small settlements comprised of tents, meeting at the edge of the southern forest every once in a while to celebrate, trade, and debate among themselves. Trade and barter was commonplace, and other tribes would often send a representative to these meetings with the intent of exchanging supplies.   They held at least a neutral relationship with the other tribes except the Zunthr, who frequently attempt to raid the smaller sub-tribes when they are near the western saltmarshes. They actively traded with the Collga, hardwood in exchange for fish oils.   They were the second tribe introduced into the union of the Basin tribes, approached by Trinn and Olen in a bid to defend against what had been recently been suggested by the Radiants to be a possible attack by the Derashi on the Zunthr. With Trinn mediating, the Kollin eventually relented and joined to journey to contact the Collga and convene at the Gathering site.   The Kollin partook in the Battle of the Peak and the subsequent founding of Luthal.   Only a few short years after the founding of Luthal, the leader of the Kollin Bretton fell ill and was returned to his homeland in the south with several of his loyal followers at his request after appointing his son as successor. He died shortly after returning, and the Kollin that went with him settled once more into their ancestral homes rather than returning to Luthal, founding what is now the present-day village of Breitonan.   In the approximate year of 107, Breitonian explorers discovered several unusual formations on the surface and within nearby caves. They found and extracted a material that was discovered to be copper which had several practical uses in the manufacture of weapons, armor, and tools. Several years later, a material which they named tin was also found which was also found to have several of its own uses. After many more years of experimentation with these unusual substances, bronze was discovered as an alloy of the two metals and from there exploded in usage and popularity as a material for weapons, tools, and many more uses. To this day, Breitonian-made metals are found across the Basin, making them a central economic power and a crucial ally to Luthal.   This also made them a high value target for the Zunthiri, however after several attempts were rebuffed, thanks in part due to the usage of bronze in some early armors these attempts became less common. The Zunthiri managed to acquire their own bronze equipment and in the approximate year of 129 these attacks were resumed off-and-on until the Zunthiri were subjugated by Luthalan forces in the approximate year of 587. This further cemented positive relations between the Breitonians and Luthalans which have held strong to this day.   Breitonians are also known for their varied agricultural yields, producing many varieties of popular crops that are traded with Luthal that fail to grow well in other regions of the Basin. The floodplains contribute greatly to this yield, though the exact methods used to boost yield beyond this are held close as a trade secret.

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