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Radiance is a power bestowed upon individuals deemed worthy of wielding it by Sov and by extension his brother and sister gods. It allows the wielder to improve their abilities, cast magic, and more. It is based around the consumption of light energy, requiring a source of light to be nearby to begin using. Consuming this light naturally removes energy from the source, causing it to dim and, if overdrawn, go out.


TL1 - Present Day

Radiance has been spread through the bloodlines of the First Radiants. As a result Radiance has become both more refined and also more diluted. A true Radiant no longer needs to breath as the radiant energy sustains their body. They also gain access to unique supernatural abilities.


Activating their Radiance allows for an individual to allocate the points available in their Modular Abilities advantage to any mental or physicals Advantage or Skill they wish. This effect lasts for one minute per hour consumed from the source.

Side/Secondary Effects

As you are drawing energy from sources of light, users of Radiance will outwardly glow, even in broad daylight, so this ability is hard to mask effectively. You are, however immune to the effects of being within the Mire while Radiance is active, and create a pocket of light with a radius of 1 yard around you where it cannot reach.



As in the past, any source of nearby light can be used to draw in Radiance. While the sun is still not a viable source as it is too distant, shards of specially prepared crystalised salt that comes from the Peak are harvested and used as currency. While regular shards are not large enought to contain a meaningful amount of Radiance with any sort of efficiency, larger shards hold onto captured sunlight or firelight and can be drawn from to activate Radiant abilities. In general, a single source of light will allow for 1 minute of Raidance. The rate of replenishment is not fast enough to provide an unlimited charge if a shard is being drawn from and within reach of a source of light at the same time, using the same rules as Powerstones at Normal local mana (1 point/day - M69). Powerstones are incredibly rare, so obtaining a shard capable of storing Radiance is extremely costly (At least 4 times the listed cost of M20).   Open flame and torchlight still act as viable sources and are still widespread in usage. On average a single standard source of flame can sustain 1 minute of active Radiance usage.   In all cases, pulling from the source extinguishes the flame. For the case of fire-based sources, the energy source (wood, oil, etc.) is completely expended as it is rapidly consumed to produce the energy.


Any nearby source of light can be used to fuel one's Radiance. Torches and campfires are the primary source of energy, however other sources of open flame may also be used. The sun is too distant and cannot be used as an energy source. As mentioned previously, drawing Radiance will reduce the lifespan of its source by one our per minute of Radiance gained. [DF1-24] will typically last for about 1 hour, 4 hours if Collga fish oil is applied. A campfire lasts for 6 hours without being refueled.


Radiance was first bestowed on the First Radiants, though how long ago this was exactly is a matter of great debate. Many, many generations have passed since this time, and so the exact story of how this came to be has become a fact of myth and legend.   The stories do agree, however, that the First Radiants were gifted this power by Sov for a holy mission and that they used it to fight the shadows and bring light back to the world.
Point Cost
All player characters start with this ability and therefore the first level is free. Every point thereafter costs 10 character points per level, each level is a +1 bonus to any roll.   This may also be applied to any advantage or disadvantage as a modifier - This modifier is a 15% discount, where it can be used when Radiant only.   Additional TL1 Features All players start with a Power Tally threshold of 30, as per the rules in GURPS Thaumatology page 76.
Related Deity/Higher Power
Material Components
The consumption of a nearby light source is required to activate Radiance. Drawing energy from a source causes it to consume its fuel faster, completely expending the source and providing the Radiant with 1 minute of Radiance.
Gestures & Ritual
Activating Radiance is generally performed through breathing techniques similar to those used in meditative practices.
Effect Duration
One minute
Effect Casting Time
Drawing from a source of energy costs a single concentrate maneuver.

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