Baergon Bluesword Character in Saturday Night D&D | World Anvil
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Baergon Bluesword

Baergon came to Daggerford recently, riding in with the Waterdeep fighters 19 during the Dragonspear incursion. He found Daggerford a place with many true worshippers of Tempus, though most of them didnt know it, so Baergon set out to enlighten them.   Baergon is not necessarily well-liked among the general populace, for he follows his patron god very seriously, and is continually trying to recruit young militiamen whose parents would rather they stuck with the soil and followed Chaunteas way, or at least worshipped Lady Tymora, a known entity.   Still, Baergon continues his missionary work and services the professional fighters of the town, many of whom are glad to have a god they understand to worship.

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