Darfin Floshin Character in Saturday Night D&D | World Anvil
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Darfin Floshin

Sir Darfin Longwalker - Lord of House Floshin Darfin Floshin

Circa 1445 DR, Elorfindar Floshin died and the estate was left to his eldest son Darfin. Unlike his father who spent the majority of his time on the estates, Darfin split his time evenly between living here and at his townhouse in Daggerford. Enjoying the company of N’Tel’Quess more than his father did, Darfin hired humans, halflings, and a dwarf to tend his lands in addition to elves. He also took on numerous apprentices, training them at the estates.   1485 DR The Floshin Estates were attacked by Clotskull orcs under the direction of the Red Wizard Arvik Zaltos, who gained access to an ancient altar to Yan-C-Bin in the family crypts. The manor house was put to the torch and eight servants were abducted by the orcs.   Scant weeks later, the land was taken by a force of gnolls, elementals, and undead. Only one servant had survived to report the attack and when Darfin tried to go there he was overcome with wracking pain. Darfin’s sister Shalendra had erected a large antipathy field that affected all members of her family save herself while Red Wizards of Thay used the Estates as a base to reconstruct the damaged portal network in the House of Long Silences.   Sir Darfin Floshin was a sun elf advisor in Daggerford in 1370 DR and circa 1486 DR.   Darfin was the son of Elorfindar Floshin, who acted as guardian of a portal nexus connecting the Ardeep Forest to Evermeet. For centuries, Darfin acted together with his father as advisor to the dukes of Daggerford. Eventually, his father was forced to stop some daemonfey and destroyed the portal. When his father died Darfin was freed from his family duties.

Physical Description

Body Features

Soft bronze skin

Mental characteristics

Personal history

House Floshin had owned the land for longer than human history had been recorded in the area and they eventually built a manor house on it. After the Retreat was called, the Floshin Estates were one of the few sun elf strongholds left in all of mainland Faerûn.   Under the guardianship of Elorfindar Floshin, the land was mainly used for animal husbandry and was tended by moon elf workers owing to the lack of other sun elves.
Darfin Floshin cover
Year of Birth
Long, Golden

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