Delfen Yellowknife Character in Saturday Night D&D | World Anvil
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Delfen Yellowknife

Delfen Yellowknife came to Daggerford from the East some ten years ago. Passing adventurers have identified him as having a good reputation as an adventurer in distant Iriaebor, but how he came to effectively retire in Daggerford is a question he has never felt the need to answer.   His name of Yellowknife might come from the gold-trimmed magic dagger he bearsor it might not. No one actually knows his exact level. Most people, including his apprentices, think him of higher level than he is. He is swarthier and shorter than the usual in the Daggerford area, but has an agreeable and easy manner.   There is no sign of age in his features, but everyone knows that some magicians can control the aging process. Delfen never dwells on his past, but is always ready to help his new friends of Daggerford and has an excellent reputation in the town. He refuses to create and sell potions or enchanted items. Delfen is always ready to teach, in as much as he can, and has three or four apprentices in constant attendance.

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