Derval Ironeater Character in Saturday Night D&D | World Anvil
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Derval Ironeater

Derval Ironeater is a dwarven blacksmith who came to the town of Daggerford with his two brothers, Derwin and Korin, and their families about a century ago. He is highly regarded in Daggerford. They support a fairly large, for dwarves, extended family with their work. Various family members help out at the forge and hire out for construction work in the area. Korin disappeared with several family members about three years ago, and no one wants to discuss where he has gone.   Derval is known affectionately (though not to his face) as the Short Mask among the guildmasters of the Council. Derval usually wears a pair of trews, a blacksmiths apron, and a pair of leather gloves, dressing up in robe and mask for Council meetings.   He is usually close-mouthed, but as he works at his forge, people have heard him say things like, Perhaps not as good as they made under Illefarn, but good enough, good enough. . . If he notices anyone is listening, he self- consciously shuts up.

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