Duke Pwyll Greatshout Daggerford Character in Saturday Night D&D | World Anvil
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Duke Pwyll Greatshout Daggerford

Duke Pwyll came into his Dukedom very recently. His father, Duke Pryden, fell fighting the onslaught of the forces of Dragonspear Castle. As the oldest, and only, male heir to the name, Pwyll became Duke of Daggerford.   Pwyll had a short career as an adventurer, cut off when his older brother, Merovy, died adventuring along the Unicorn Runand Duke Pryden realized that his sole remaining heir needed training in how tobe a land ruler. Pwyll chafed against this necessary restriction of his adventuring life, but saw the necessity and acceeded to it.   Pwyll recently gained his nickname of Greatshout after swallowing an unknown potion he discovered in the sack of Dragonspear Castle. Apparently the liquid gave him the ability to shout as if he were using a fabled Horn of Blasting. His voice is considerably roughened from when he set out on that last campaign against evil, but no one has seen or heard him use the Great Shout since he came back from the wars. There are many stories of its use during the last weeks of the campaign, though.   The sword Lawflame is the traditional sword of the dukes of Daggerford, dating back to the first Duke, who was given it by Sir Elorfindar Floshin.

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