Filarion Filvendorson Character in Saturday Night D&D | World Anvil
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Filarion Filvendorson

Like Kelson Darktreader, Filarion is a grandson of Sir Elorfindar and son of Filvendor. However, his mother is a Moon elf. This makes him and Kelson Darktreader half brothers, but, since each was raised by his mother, they are barely cordial to each other.   Filarion was trained as a thief somewhere to the east, but he has constrained his thiefly activities to adventuring, so he is actually regarded highly in Daggerford and looked up to by much of the populace. He teaches thiefly skills to some apprentices, though he claims to not teach Picking Pockets. There are some who doubt this. Certainly the number of picked pockets has increased in the last decade as he has concentrated on teaching rather than adventuring.

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