Fulbar Hardcheese Character in Saturday Night D&D | World Anvil
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Fulbar Hardcheese

Fulbar Hardcheese is a halfling who owns and manages the Happy Cow, one of the three taverns in the town. He also owns a dairy farm just outside of town which is run by his son, Dickon. The tavern features the dairys cheese. Fulbar is an ex-adventurer who settled down in Daggerford and set out to just be a happy farmer/taverner.   The populace knows he has been an adventurer, but gets no details from him. He never talks about it, and actively discourages adventurers from using his tavern. He prefers the company of the regions other farmers and merchants. Apparently he is ashamed of his previous life as a thief.   Fulbar is depicted above as if on a thiefly mission. His normal wear is trews, shirt, and taverners apron. Quietstrike is kept on the wall in his private quarters. Some say that he teaches thiefly skills to halflings, but no one has ever confirmed this

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