Gwydion pen Dafwyd Character in Saturday Night D&D | World Anvil
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Gwydion pen Dafwyd

Gwydion has been at the court of the Dukes of Daggerford since he was apprenticed to the previous court wizard, Mab, 55 years ago. He has been the official court wizard for 30 years, ever since Mab retired to a wizard's tower near The Way Inn. Rumors are that Mab has since died, but no one has gone to the tower and knocked on the door to be sure.   The tower was undisturbed during the incursion from Dragonspear Castle. Gwydion is very aware of his status as court wizard and very class-conscious. He has no time for anyone not of noble blood, even those of common blood who have earned the regard of the Duke. His immediate about-face if any of these heroes is ennobled is a regular source of amusement to ducal court regulars. Duke Pwyll has had little to do with his court Wizard and is rather afraid of him.   Lady Bronwyn, on the other hand, considers him a sort of useful uncle and is very close with her mentor. She acts as gobetween for her brother to the wizard. Gwydion prides himself on his grey hairs and scholarly appearance. He is a self-pronounced expert on the dukedom’s history and the geneaology of the ducal family. He is, in fact, aware of Llewellyn's tenuous claim to the title, but keeps that knowledge to himself: perhaps thinking it a useful tidbit for some future machination.   Decisiveness is not Gwydion's dominant trait. He dithers over a decision for months before coming to an easilyswayed conclusion.

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