Kelson Darktreader Character in Saturday Night D&D | World Anvil
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Kelson Darktreader

Kelson Darktreader is only beginning to get some silver hairs among the gold which have adorned his head since his youth. The Huntmaster is taciturn and close-spokennever using two words where one will do. Kelsons grandfather is Sir Elorfindar, and his father was Elorfindars full-elf son.   His mother was a human woodsmans daughter whom the son, Filvendor, met while hunting in the Misty Forests. Kelson was raised by woodsmen and then Rangers. He became Master of the Hunt to Duke Pryden, and has continued in that position with Pwyll. They say that no one in Daggerford knows the Misty Forest and High Moor better than Kelson.   Anyone with a yen to learn the bow will meet Kelson Darktreader. He is also a good source of otherwise privileged information about the Misty Forest, and the Laughing Hollow.

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