Lady Bronwyn Daggerford Character in Saturday Night D&D | World Anvil
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Lady Bronwyn Daggerford


The Dukes lovely sister Bronwyn early developed a desire to rule her fathers dukedom when he retired or died. However, the Duke was firmly tied to the principle of the oldest son gaining his title, leaving Bronwyn out in the cold.   So Bronwyn developed a friendship with the court wizard, Gwydion, and began studying under him. Now she is a proficient sorceress of her level and anxious to try her powers in a situation of true dangerin short, she wants to be an adventurer.   However, the Ducal advisers are not happy with the idea of either of the old Dukes remaining children risking their lives in random adventuring until one or the other produces an heir to the ducal coronet. Neither has done so at this time.   The dagger borne by Bronwyn is reputed to be the very one used by the first Daggerford against the lizard men. Whether it was enchanted to begin with, enchanted after the fact, or not the same dagger at all, is open to question. Campaign Use. The Dukes sister, Bronwyn, might never be seen up close by an adventurer. On the other hand, given the ladys itch for adventuring, player characters might find themselves part of a rescue party. Otherwise, she is a good, off-stage, focus for possible intrigue and even, dare we say it, romance.

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