Lord Sir Llewellyn Long-Hand Character in Saturday Night D&D | World Anvil
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Lord Sir Llewellyn Long-Hand

Sir Llewellyn has been a retainer of the Dukes of Daggerford since the time of Duke Conan, who ruled before the unlucky Pryden. Duke Pryden made the faithful Llewellyn Master at Arms of the dukedom, an office he has dutifully fulfilled for 15 years. As such, he has both led the Dukes followers in the field, and defended the castle while the duke was away.   He currently enjoys his high status as a Banneret by having earned it with repeated use of his knightly sword. Sir Llewellyn was knighted at an early age by Duke Conan. No one but Llewellyn himself knows that he is also the illegitimate son of Duke Conan, though it is widely speculated on in the town.   However, Llewellyn treasures a statement to that effect written by the old Duke himself. While Llewellyn has no wish to displace Pwyll and Bronwyn, he cheerfully agrees to any suggestion they make to go adventuring ready to put forward his claim if they dont come back. Sir Llewellyn is one resident of the castle that anyone who wants to gain proficiency with the sword and riding is going to meet.

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