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Rhade Fent

Rhade Fent

Known to be the only herbalist tending to the last grove of the Evernsoul flowers.   These fair white flowers that in the common tongue are referred to as the Evermind, used to grow over the grave barrows of the kings of western Faerun. These flowers, which were called Simbelmyne in the elven tongue, were like glittering crystals of snow that blossomed in all seasons, glinting always with starlight on the tombs of these kings. To the common men, and elves alike, these white flowers on the green swards were always a reminder of the power of the strong kings of the land.   The name translates to "Everlasting Memory"   Ilnnuis   Many of the most beautiful of the flowers of Faerun were brought as gifts to mortals from the shores of other planes. Such was the case of the sweet-smelling flower Ilnnuis, for the histories of the Sword Coast tell how the Elves brought the flower Ilnnuis and the lavender star-flower Elanor into these mortal lands. The two flowers - one because of its fragrance, the other because of its color were woven into garlands and were worn as crowns at wedding feasts.  
I am the Life and the Light at the Way The earth is my garden Each of the souls I plant as seeds Germinates and flowers in it season And in each I am fulfilled. There is no cause for grief When a blossom fades But only rejoicing for the beauty it held And praise that my will is done And my plan served. I am one with all creatures and none is ever lost But only restored to me Having never left me at all. For what is Eternal Cannot be separated from its Source I am with you all, and each of you is a channel for my Light Feel my love Enfold you now, live, Evermind.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born a bastard son to a spinstress and a nameless, faceless adventurer, Rhade grew up never having met the man who cultivated his general disdain forthe common drabble known as "adventurers". They're all dirty, ill-mannered, and feel entitled to anything they want. Not wanting to follow in his mother's footsteps (and having since distanced himself from her after a particularly heated argument about his father), Rhade took the fabrics he had been around all his life and began to reshape them. New colors, new patterns, finery all flirted with him in his dreams, but during his waking hours he patched and hemmed dirty and torn pants and unmentionables of his fellow Townsperson. It was a means to an end. He knew he would succeed as a tailor, and intended to rise beyond the common folk he was supplanted amongst. After years of toil, Rhade came into his own, enough to have his name carry a bit of clout. No longer was he washing and hemming the bras of the elderly, now he worked exclusively for contracted work, which with it brought more lucritive and cleanly offers

Personality Characteristics


Sharp. I seek to make the best deal possible.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Proficiencies: History, Insight

Likes & Dislikes

I work hard and seldom make time for fun.

Virtues & Personality perks

Rhade is meticulous in his cleanliness, and often abhors the prospect of gathering new fruits or flowers for colored dyes, however, as he is highly dedicated to his craft he soldiers through (spending ample time washing himself after the gathering is complete).   Deals are sacrosanct. I never go back on my word.

Vices & Personality flaws

I am vain. I always wear my latest fashions.
As well respected as crafters are among outsiders, no one esteems them quite so highly as dwarves do. You always have free room and board in any place where shield dwarves or gold dwarves dwell, and the individuals in such a settlement might vie among themselves to determine who can offer you (and possibly your companions) the finest accommodations and assistance.
Brown Eyes
Slicked-back Dark hair

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