Sir Isteval Character in Saturday Night D&D | World Anvil
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Sir Isteval

Dragonslayer Isteval

Sir Isteval Portrait Retired paladin of Amaunator veteran dragon slayer living DaggerfordSir Isteval, was a retired Paladin of Amaunator who viewed his god in an outmoded light as Lathander. He lived a retired life in Daggerford until he felt that others needed to follow the shining example that was his homeland so he gathered individuals with the same ideals and set forth to combat evil and chaos.   Isteval’s place of birth was the Cormyrian town of Eveningstar. He joined the Purple Dragons while still a teenager, and was noted for his impeccable character. His desire to bring justice and defend his country brought him into conflict with many enemies in various locations. Some of his more battles were against the vicious orc bands of the Stonelands, dispatched Zhentarim agents along the western frontier, and making a valiant stand in Thunder Gap against Sembian raiders.   Later, he led at least three groups of adventurers on missions in an effort to bring justice, goodness, and spread Cormyr’s influence. The first company of adventurers went to the Western Heartlands. The second followed Isteval to battle corruption around the Moonsea.   Sir Isteval Full Body with Sword and Armor Retired paladin of Amaunator veteran dragon slayer living DaggerfordAround 1471 DR, Isteval lead his third and last company, “The Company of the Sunlit Sea” into the Vilhon Wilds and the Winterwood. During this time, Isteval and the rest of his company entered the lair of the dracolich, Dretchroyaster, to retrieve the Diamond Staff of Chomylla. Here Isteval engaged and defeated a black dragon apparently residing within the adjacent caverns of the lair, but he and his companions were later forced to retreat as his friend Jekk Ironfist nearly drowned, and the party wizard, Imani triggered a fire-breathing trap, horribly burning him.   Some time later, while in the Winterwood, Isteval wounded his leg in battle against a Green dragon. The wound resisted magical healing and he walked with a cane afterwards.   As of 1489 DR, Isteval actively proclaimed his devotion to the newly returned Lathander, after the Second Sundering. He attended the Council of Waterdeep as Daggerford’s unofficial representative for the Lords’ Alliance. Isteval was however additionally tasked with spying on the council on behalf of Cormyr, a fact he respected his fellow representatives too much to hide from them, resulting in him almost being banished from the council, if not for the intervention of a group of heroes leading the efforts against the Cult of the Dragon. As the council progressed, Isteval found himself an ally of Ontharr Frume of the Order of the Gauntlet. Isteval had his misgivings about cooperating with the Zhentarim, and outright objected to allying with the Red Wizards of Thay.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Derval has short cropped, black hair and bright green eyes with a tightly braided ashen-white beard to match. His cheeks were red from working the forges and his muscular build and broad shoulders made him nearly as wide as he was tall. Arm muscles bulged from outside his simple vest covered by a heavy apron adorned with several tools.

Body Features

Broad Shoulders

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

The heroes securing Isteval’s support of their efforts against the Cult of the Dragon acquired them allied forces of Purple Dragon Knights and War Wizards from Cormyr, as well as a great deal of influence over several council-members, due to Sir Isteval’s widespread and positive reputation.   Duke Pwyll Greatshout Daggerford   Lady Bronwyn Daggerford   Lord Sir Llewellyn Long-Hand   Kelson Darktreader   Delfen Yellowknife   Gwydion pen Dafwyd   Sir Elorfindar Floshin of the House of Long Silences   Derval Ironeater   Ignal Ironeater, Grandson of Derval Ironeater   Korbus Brightjewel   Fulbar Hardcheese   Bando the Lame   Maerovyna, Priestess of Chauntea   Liam Sunmist, Priest of Lathander   Baergon Bluesword, Priest of Tempus   Filarion Filvendorson, Adventurer   Sherlen Spearslayer, female human, Commander of the Daggerford militia
Sir Isteval cover
Bright Green eyes
Short cropped, black hair

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