Lumoct Character in Saturnal | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Trueseer)

The god of light and darkness, Lumoct covers a large range of ideals. He is the cleansing light of the sun, and the protecting darkness of space. His inclusion in the pantheon eludes to a greater solar system, one that is more than just Saturnal.
This can be frightening to some, realizing you aren’t the sole world with life, but Lumoct and his followers welcome the thought and hope to learn from it. To understand the whole picture is to truly see all, to be a Trueseer. Followers strive to reach this at all times.
The husband of Kerrdrasyl, the power duo hold a lot of overlap and shared values. Many compare Lumoct’s light vs. darkness directly to Kerrdrasyl’s life vs. death.
Humanity was far too close-minded for too long. It’s unknown the exact start of Lumoct, but ideas started spreading quickly of outer worlds. This took the population by storm and Lumoct suddenly became a household name.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A star surrounded by two perpendicular rings

Tenets of Faith

  • Redeem - anyone still has light within them, regardless of their previous actions
  • Burn - burn away corruption, doubt, and evil
  • Bravery - embrace the light and darkness equally


  • reveling in deception, mischief, or subterfuge
  • ignoring any wrongdoing
  • losing hope in the greater good

Physical Description

Body Features

Half angel/half devil, split down the middle. Right side is angelic with a devil’s wing and the left side is demonic with an angel wing.

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